[Tool] GD Stash

P:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
C:\Users\SNR\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save (not use cloud save)

how could I have done anything wrong with this action. I have used GD Stash not for the first time, and I know how to make the settings

Doesnā€™t change what I said. If you had specified the correct directory, the shared stash would not be overlaid in red and your characters would be available. The tool is working correctly, this is not a bug but you specifying a directory with no files in it. Itā€™s as simple as thatā€¦

Ok, what else can I try to do in this situation?
There is no other directory. Could the problem be caused by Java?

No idea, never had this situation outside of there not being any files in that directory. Also, if this were an issue in the tool, I would see a lot more complaints than just yours.

Assuming you are not using cloud save, the correct directory is Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save

If you actually do have the files in the directory, then I assume there is some kind of authorization / access issue. Not sure what would cause that however, a Java application should have full access however, just like a regular Windows application - but if it did, then you would not have that issueā€¦

And the reason could be that I installed the game not in the Steam directory, but on a completely different disk?

That should not matter, the game dir and save dir are different anyway. All that matters is that the files (shared stash, chars) are in the save dir you specified - and that the tool can see / read them

I deleted the files in my

MyGames/GrimDawn/save/dom in attempt to like ā€œclear cacheā€ so that I can move to stash.

Now my problem is that the tool canā€™t recognize my dom save folder. :weary:

Thanks in advance :pray:t4:

well, you deleted your dom save folderā€¦ not sure what cache you were trying to clear, the shared stash? That would have been the transfer file in the dom dir, you could just use GD Stash to delete the items from a page, if that is what you were trying to do

So how do I fix this? :weary:

if you want your shared stash back, you will need to recover the files in Windows. If you want an empty shared stash, play DoM in GD and talk to the Smuggler.

Is there an issue with the latest version of the tool towards mods? :thinking:

No, there is not, why are you asking? From everything you have written, you deleted files which in turn means the tool cannot see them (obviously)

GD Stash does not create files, it reads and changes existing ones, that has nothing to do with mod vs vanilla

If I opt to system restore, do I have to use the latest version of your tool? :thinking:

mamba, Iā€™ve got something strange going on. I made this yesterday in the stash, but itā€™s missing some details and others are incorrect compared to when ingame.

For some reason itā€™s missing the +2 range to Bone Harvest

I have imported the database again with no change.

I donā€™t know whether I messed something up when we were fiddling around with Java a while back or whether itā€™s something else.

Iā€™ve also noticed that a lot of my lower level items just donā€™t show up in the Stash any more when I search for items. I donā€™t know if they got wiped with the Java/Stash updates, whether I installed those wrong or what.

If you use GD 1.2.0.x, then yes, but apart from support for the file format and changes to .dbr changes, there is no difference, so whatever issues you have, you will have regardless and are independent of the tool

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pretty sure that is just a tag the tool does not recognize, there are tons of tags it glosses over

I had to delete the listed mod folder in save folder.
Now the tool recognizes me stash. :ok_hand:

Will you kindly help me out on how to restore lockers for dom on the current build?

I did the previous way of doing it & I do obtain the lockers, but the components seem to ā€œleakā€ out of it.

there are no lockers any more, they were a nuisance and when GD switched to completed components without reducing the drop rate, I removed them. Was at least a year ago, probably much longer. The components drop directly now

Sadge :pensive:


is there a way to undo a change in gdstash? i accidentaly nuke all my gear on the last tab of transfer stash cos i forgot to transfer them to stash before saving =(

edit: to clarify, i saved an empty stash because i forgot to ā€œrefreshā€ first and then save.