[Tool] GDAutocaster - play šŸŽ¹ builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

Please answer my short questions from my last PM!

But when its in autocast by hold like that


all those four 6 button presses are made in almost the same exact moment I feel like
(right next to each other in the code, without any time delay, not like in Combo Presses)

To ensure its cast I would put it into Combo Press with 100 or maybe 200 ms delay,
something like this:

[combo presses]

I think it might a better insurance.

Combo Holds does currently have local key_native_functionX

Thatā€™s kinda lazy - not wanting to hold LMB while holding Z with Movement Skill :slight_smile:
You could also have it in autocast by hold with movement skill spam activated on double LMB Press + Hold
This way after this double click + hold youā€™re both moving and spamming movement skill
and itā€™s more natural than having special z button.

[edit] But Your Move doesnā€™t target Monster or anything so I think itā€™s different than LMB movement if I remember Move correctly.

It is and it isnā€™t ā€œlazyā€. Iā€™ve had repetitive strain issues in the past and my mousing hand/wrist is the one that tends to get tired and achy. Less button pressing/holding is good for me and might extend the life of my mouse too.

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Ok, if you want I can implement
so that you can combine it with
and have all these
so that you donā€™t have to hold Z

Btw Iā€™ve sent you another test on PM.
If it doesnā€™t work (or rather improve / is the same as 1st test)
then Iā€™m taking a break from it
and come back some other time with fresh mind / different approach.

[hold on toggle] seems great. It would probably even solve the one thing for which Iā€™m still using native AutoHotKey - implementing a toggle hold for sprinting in Conan Exiles.


Programmed to work with such configs

[toggle holds]




I havenā€™t tested it too much but this worked:

[toggle holds]

Adding additional option to Autocast by Hold for perfect ABB / Bone Harvest casts

The new option is called time_out

[autocast by hold]

Here it prevents 1, 1, 1 to be cast for 4 seconds after you press
(and maybe hold to have 1,1,1 instead of just 1 due to inner_delay)

Before without this option even if you spammed every 4 seconds
if you released and pressed RMB again, you could restart the whole thing
and cast ABB far before 4 seconds passed.

Now you can press and release RMB multiple times and it still wonā€™t press 1
for the duration of 4 seconds after first cast.

We have inner_delay and 1,1,1 instead of just normal 1 spam
to attempt to cast ABB 3 times in 100ms intervals to ensure itā€™s not
interrupted by something else

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Since GD only allows for one key being held, for this particular example, I assume either 1 or 2 is going to be treated as held down if ā€œqā€ is pressed, but not both. Probably not too useful, for GD, but maybe for another application.

In fact, it is perfect for my CE usage as I can toggle both mount and character sprint with one key that way, since CE does allow for multiple simultaneously held keys.

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Iā€™m probably doing something wrong, but the following script isnā€™t working for me. The [autocast by toggle] part seems to be working, but not the [toggle holds] part.

[[toggle holds]

CMT= pressing ā€œzā€ makes up be held down which makes me move
CMT= constantly toward the cursor until pressed again.

[autocast by toggle]

CMT= toggling ā€œzā€ on makes move fasts go off whenever they are ready.
CMT= Z and X are Blitz and Amatokā€™s Breath, respectively.
CMT= Blitz only activates if cursor is on a valid target.

I made sure to download the latest version as linked in your last post.

? Ā Ā 

Post 424 above describes and I thought announces {toggle holds] being implemented.

I meant did you see this typo? Iā€™m literally quoting your config

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OH! /10chars

Would anyone like for
to be preserved if alt-tabbing / minimizing the game?

I alt-tab away all the time, usually with the game paused. The fact the behavior changes (losing toggle casts for example) is actually quite irritating. I donā€™t often use Suspend, so I didnā€™t realize that reset, but if I did and it changed when the game lost focus, Iā€™d find that irritating too.

tl:dr, I do think it should be preserved (as should toggles).

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[autocast by toggle] is preserved
(can be also forced to be either on or off)
Maybe you mean something else?

Anyway, I find Suspend not being preserved irritating too.
It was preserved in some earlier version of the program
but I lost it after forcing restart after game regains focus
(which is necessary) but Iā€™ll re-add it.

Maybe it is because I have ā€œautocast_right_awayā€ coded and so it is overriding the default of preserving the state?

I usually code autocast_right_awayX=false, because I like to start it up myself, but I always lose the autocast when I alt-tab away and back and have to use the reset key to start it back up.

As an aside, there is clearly an interaction between the toggle key and the reset key, because whether togged on or off, the reset key will start the casting cycle.

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Is it possible to have multiple suspend_keys?

In another game, Iā€™d like to be able to have a suspend key on all the things that end up putting me into some form of chat (Enter,/,`), since I want to just enter text at that point. Pressing Enter again to remove the suspend.

Done. You can use either

Wow, fast! I do see a problem, the suspend key isnā€™t passed through at all, so enter now doesnā€™t put me in to chat, it only suspends. I think it needs a ā€œkey_native_function=ā€ sort of thing to be used in the way I was thinking.