[Tool] Grim Dawn Item Assistant

Just downloaded your stash saver. Looks like its what I want if I can get it working.
Under Settings
Number of items from database 0
GD database last updated 0/0/0001
Could not find GD Install folder
Grim Dawn folder is in the GOG folder under C: drive
Your folder is under Program File. Do you want your installed in the GOG Folder or the Grim Dawn Folder?

I got a problem after moving Program Files/GDIA folder (.rar it and copy-pasted) to another computer. All my items dissapeared while all recipies stayed there. On the source computer everything is OK. How can I fix this?

Edit - Solved.

Uninstalled and reinstalled.
Have it working, sort of. Put item in bag 4, appears in Assistant as a yellow square. with an x in it and a shadow figure that looks like a coat. Right click and send it back to bag 3 as expected. Put more items in get lots of squares with x and shadow coat. No idea what they are. Must right on upper right corner square to send back to bag 3. Lower left corner gives a count of how many items are stored.
Still under Settings: could not find grim dawn install folder, Number of items from database 0, and GD database last update 0/0/0001.

Go to settings and click force update, while the game is running.

That should solve things.

Thanks worked. Looks good

First off thanks for this very nice. I’m having a issue with custom games not working but the main campaign works fine i looked over all the post but haven’t seen a simular problem,Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Just had it happen again, it was indeed when I transferred an item with a component applied to it. It seems that once you transfer one of these items from IA to stash, the bug will happen for every transfer after that until you restart IA.
Hope this helps you get it sorted out, though it seems like you knew about it already, by which I assume it’s not an easy fix.

What exactly is not working?
Is it not looting?
Can you not transfer?
Does items not display?

It’s not taking the items out of tab 4, and items i right click on in IA go poof

I can confirm this with custom games. They don’t transfer from page 4 to IA.

I forgot about it, since I have been using mods and not main campaign for a while.

I think it is because the stash for main campaign and mods are in different places… could be a cause for it.

Got a link where I can download a map/game/whatever to initiate a custom game? Not sure I had ever even noticed that option… :rolleyes:


First link in the first.post. named NCFF 0.01.

Brings you to a download page.

To install, create a mods folder in GD folder, unzip in that mod folder, open GD.

To run, click on main campaign on main menu, choose custom, click on mod, hit okay. Start game. Will have to be a new character.


I’ll see about getting support added this week.

No pressure Pete. Still loving the IA since I started using it.

Before the drama starts, some asshat got in contact with me on skype. (Stash Manager guy)

As I’ve mentioned before, IA has automatic updates and anonymous crash reports.

Boo Hoo.

It was just some random dude? Weird. It says auto updates on the first page, and you have mentioned that there is crash reports sent, when it does crash.

Is he trying to take your tool though?

I like the ‘I feel entitled to do so by ethics’ part, for one at best you should feel obligated by them, for another his ethics are clearly biased as he is breaking some actual laws or at the very least treading a very gray area in his quest for an ethic tool

Its the guy who made Stash Manager.

That sucks.

Well, hopefully this does not stop you from continuing with the tool, because I find , IMO, it easier to use than any of the other tools.

Dev Report - Grim Dawn Item Assistant

I contacted Marius without any backthoughts regarding his tool since its always nice to have people with similiar intrest and programming knowledge in your contacts and you might even meet great people too, ofcourse i cant proof good intentions (how could i). When i contacted him i offered the website template that i created some years ago for all kinds of tools and programm i create. (Visible here : http://gdsm.420weedwizard.bplaced.net/) The template consists of free non commercial parts of html/css/js plugins and frameworks. Biggest part of it is ofcourse Bootstrap, html/css framework. I offered to send him all the original files for usage for his own distribution website of his tool (item assistant). Since he also uses the same VB2010 visual plugins as my tool GDSM i thought he might be intrested.

[Initial conversation start over skype]

15:47 Marius
Hello there

Me 15:47
Hey so i got a bunch of people specially from the GD community that wanted to talk with me or that i gave my contacts to. Mind telling me who you are ;D ?

15:48 Marius
item assistant dev

Me 15:49
slipperypete then
pretty solid work you got going there
i checked your site for download and stuff for the tool
looks like you got some inspiration somewhere ;D
you want me to zip the original website for you so you can work with the same plugins and stuff ?

aaaaaaaaaaah, right… you’re the stash manager guy
nah, anything better than a blank page with a blue download link is a huge improvement for me, i tend to shy away from web stuff :wink:

I have the complete chatlog that can be publishd if necessary.
As i already stated when i contacted him i didnt have anything bad in mind or had a bad impression of his tool.
I then corresponded with a friend of mine and developer. He is known in this community aswell and can decide for himself if he wants to be a part of this.
When i realised that it might be a good idear to get these 2 people together so they are in contact too in case one of them has questions about each other projects or just in general to increase the knowledge and connectivity in the dev community of GD. He then proceeded to tell me that he, i quote : “Would rahter burn in hell than have something like his tool published on my website or even use it.”. I was surprised since i did ofcourse not read through the whole thread that has 28 pages right now. He then told me about the fact that the programm logs and sends certain computer informations to a web interface. I thought i should check that out and ensure that there is indeed nothing shady going on - more about this in the Technical aspects.

Technical - Logged Informations
(Code comments added by myself)

Error Report Functions

private static ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (ExceptionReporter));
private static List<long> ReportTicks = new List<long>();
private static int maxForcedReports = 2;
private const string URL_CRASHREPORT = “http://ribbs.dreamcrash.org/iagd/crashreport.php”; // Link that Crash Reports get sended to.
private const int MAX_REPORTS_PER_COOLDOWN = 3; // Maximum Crash Reports send within 60 seconds (REPORT_COOLDOWN_MS).
private const int REPORT_COOLDOWN_MS = 60000; // 60 second time window to limit the amount of crash reports.

Function used for identifing users.

public static string UUID
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExceptionReporter._UUID))
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(string.Format("\\{0}\root\CIMV2", (object) “localhost”), (ConnectionOptions) null);
ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery(“SELECT UUID FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct”);
foreach (ManagementBaseObject managementBaseObject in new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query).Get())
string @string = managementBaseObject[“UUID”].ToString();
if (@string.Distinct<char>().Count<char>() >= 5)
ExceptionReporter._UUID = ExceptionReporter.ToHash(@string);
return ExceptionReporter._UUID;
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionReporter.logger.Debug((object) ex.Message);
ExceptionReporter.logger.Debug((object) ex.StackTrace);
ExceptionReporter._UUID = ExceptionReporter.ToHash(Environment.MachineName);
return ExceptionReporter._UUID;

The final string gets hashed and then halfed to be sended as a user id to be able to differanciate between logs recieved. The Information that gets hashed here is the UUID ( more here ) and the Machine Name.

Hash Function

private static string ToHash(string toHash)
byte[] buffer = new byte[toHash.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) toHash.ToCharArray(), 0, (Array) buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
string str = BitConverter.ToString(new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(buffer)).Replace("-", “”);
return str.Substring(str.Length / 2);

Usage Report Functions

public static void ReportUsage()
string s = string.Format(“version={0}&winver={1}&uuid={2}”, (object) Uri.EscapeDataString(ExceptionReporter.VersionString), (object) string.Format("{0}.{1}", (object) Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major, (object) Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor), (object) ExceptionReporter.UUID);
HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(“http://ribbs.dreamcrash.org/iagd/stats.php”);
byte[] bytes = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(s);
httpWebRequest.Method = “POST”;
httpWebRequest.ContentType = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”;
httpWebRequest.ContentLength = (long) bytes.Length;
using (Stream requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse) httpWebRequest.GetResponse())
if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
ExceptionReporter.logger.Info((object) “Failed to send anonymous usage statistics to developer.”);
new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
ExceptionReporter.logger.Info((object) “Sent anonymous usage statistics to developer.”);
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionReporter.logger.Fatal((object) ex.Message);
ExceptionReporter.logger.Fatal((object) ex.StackTrace);

This function sends the information gathered in a declared interval (every few minutes/seconds) to the following .php file : “http://ribbs.dreamcrash.org/iagd/stats.php” (More about the final conclusion below)

A function that allows the deactivation of sending reports.

public static bool IsDevVersion
return ((IEnumerable<string>) new string[3]
(Reasonable for development, no reason to not include it for everyone as a toggle feature.)
And yes those are his UUIDs.

Conclusion - Logged Informations
The following information get gathered to be concluded to a unique end user id. Computer Name + Windows UUID hashed and halfed. Operation System, Operation System Version, Tool Version Information. In addition since these informations can be logged by a .php website file : IP Adress + All Informations regarding it (Internet Provider, Country,…).All this results in a system that allows tracking of peoples habits in terms of when they use the tool and partially even how they use it (crash reports). It is arguable that these informations are not important. In my personal opinion and also from a developer view there is NO excuse to gathering these informations in the first place except anonym error reports. The programm also contains a Automatic Update part what allows the developer of this tool to publish updates to the public and all of its users. These updates are having a huge potential in terms of virus infections that get implemtented by the developer himself. To remind you : He logs every programm start and how long its running. This results in the fact that he is able to monitor the amount of users his tool has right now. Alot of programms do include a option to auto update its own, your choice if you trust someone that already saves alot of usage information without even telling you - he only admitted to saving informations upon people calling him out about it. The fact that it does contain a auto update function is a additional risk if using a programm from someone with those amounts of ambitions towards user information. The auto update function is switchable between : stable and beta versions but not able to be turned off. This means he even knows what users use what kind of version of his tool. Ofcourse his intentions are as unsure and unproofable as mine. In addition to this gathering of informations without a clear disclaimer being illegal in all states of america and also in the majority of europe including russia,germany,denmark, sweden, finland - his website is hosed in finland so i guess he is finnish.

All i request is a disclaimer above the download telling people about the information that gets gathered and maybe even a way to turn that off.
In the mean time due to his personal refuse to comply i have written this text to explain everything related.

I think this is reasonable and anyone that thinks i am wrong can happily continue to use his programm with all of its bad sides and ofcourse all good sides. Eventhough with all this spy stuff going on i cant recommend this tool at all. I would like to see changes in the future and would go as far to say if youre still using GDSM (my tool) switch to this one since this is far superior in comparision when these issues have been resolved.

I would also like to say :

Anonymity, adjective “anonymous”, is derived from the Greek word ἀνωνυμία, anonymia, meaning “without a name” or “namelessness”. In colloquial use, “anonymous” is used to describe situations where the acting person’s name is unknown. It can be said as not using your own name, simply. Some writers have argued that namelessness, though technically correct, does not capture what is more centrally at stake in contexts of anonymity. The important idea here is that a person be non-identifiable, unreachable, or untrackable.

The informations that get gathered ARE NOT ANONYM by definition. They are backtraceable with Hardware ID and IP Adress.

Want to turn his bullshit off ? Check here.