[Tool] Grim Dawn Skill Calculator

this is awesome! Now I can perfect my build, its 1 extra skill point from quest right? I don’t think we got any extra points other than the 1…

Thanks mate, fixed it. also completed nightblade, now gotta fix occultist and demo.

I have no idea! :smiley: please do tell when you find out so I can put it up in site

Yes you get a skill point instead of the personal rift gate from the crystals quest, as you now start with the portable rifts at the beginning.

Cheers for your time and work on this calc, bookmarked and will get well used. :smiley:

Thank you for this. :smiley:

just wanted to say all the classes (should be) updated to latest build.
I will be fixing other issues later.

The Soldier skill Blindside has the wrong icon and shape.

thanks mate, fixed. sorry about that. the reason it had the wrong icon was because builds before 14 had a corrupted icon in game, so I had to put a placeholder.(saying this because it might seem weird to people that just joined us with b14)

You need to correct the description for Forcewave. In-game it says a shield is required; yours says a shield, crossbow or rifle.

ty mate, fixed

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for this, it’s a really nice calculator and I’m using it quite a lot now! :slight_smile:

Since I don’t get a lot of time on my PC at the moment I get to use this and work on my builds.

Do you think you’ll get to the point of adding in the Stat points you get each level and average DPS, etc?
It would be really cool if it became a pretty complex system so people can make builds and share them with others out of game (Maybe even including weapon mods too!). Of course this is a little much at the time, but it’s a thought.

I’ll make sure to keep using the Calculator and if I find anything wrong with it I’ll report back to you.

Again, huge thanks for the contribution!

Great work, thank you!

naw thank you :smiley:

given enough time, every possible stat and chart will be available.
i think i will add stats relatively soon.
the problem with doing this stuff is that, well, grimcalc currently happens to be the fact it isnt “smooth” or “sleek”(i just learnt this word, quite cool eh?) so while adding stats I also happen to have tons of stuff to fix.

look at this for example, not even in game, you can fully see this spell. I dont want that
A solution to this would be:
Spell Name
Spell Description
Current Level | Next level
(im gonna do this now actually I think)
and then there is DPS, how would you calculate it ? no im seriously asking if anyone reading this has any idea please do post. First there is spells, easy, cooldown/damage.
and then there is 5% chance to be used, but you dont know your actual attack speed. you can learn this by going to http://gracefuldusk.appspot.com then selecting weapons. Speed: Average (-0.12), 0.12 here is your attack speed. then there is weapon modifiers

so to calculate your dps, I should know: your weapon, your weapons attack, all your other items, your stats, your skill build then we get to dual wielding ohohoho

its not impossible or anything, it just takes time. someday I think we will have all this stuff.

Aha, that’s true there are quite a lot of factors. When I get the time I hope to find out how the calculations are made (I’m assuming they’re similar formulas to the ones in TQ. I’ve not played TQ though), unfortunately this won’t be for a while :frowning: When I understand anything I’ll let you know :slight_smile: (unless it’s already know to the community)

I’m not a big fan of the word “Sleek”, but it’s an amazing word! It’s so… Sleek.

Good luck with the calculator and thanks again for making it! * 2

btw, can anyone confirm if b15 changed any spell data ? (none according to changelog)

The right clicking produce the drop down menu. Though i guess you’re into it now.

can you try now ? also before doing that please ctrl + f5 to make sure using the latest version.

i think the problem was that, you did try to use the site in the middle of the moment I was uploading the files so your browser had to execute only half of a javascript file

also, new update. some fixes, some changes, and a neat feature: you can now ctrl + c to copy link, without clicking buttons and stuff

Awesome work on this btw. Can’t tell how many times I used the skill calculator to check skills out or create different skill builds.

I think this thread should be in a more noticeable place in the forums since it is really useful.

yeah, I wish.
I would also like to believe my produkt(read as spelled, its so cool this way!) is solid so anyone who needs such tool will find it anyway, anyone looking at class discussions or forum will see a link or two anyway. Thought im pretty sure no one from steam knows this exists :smiley:

well, its far from complete anyway. cant blame :smiley:

thank ye

edit: whoa, thanks whoever made this thread sticky. I wonder if you could also give me the ability to change my threads name ? because I bet this thread will always stay at top(considering one below this has last post of 1 months ago) and people will never notice updates.
not that its important, but if there is a checkbox “let this dude edit his threads name” please check it! :smiley:

Great job on this! Been waiting for someone to make one.

Thankx storm caller!!

Anyway of making this work with mobile? It all seems to work but we can’t see the skill description, anyway I’m just saying, I love your skillcalc.

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