⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

it’s not about equal archetype representation(there was an entire pet debate because of it :smile:), the whole “how they did this should explain that” i think (+FoI was way “worse” back when this was made, as per the PTR feedback and 1.2.03 changes)
And EoR was on the old top20, but 1.2 changed things around, just like there were loads of gunners back then, few dual wielders, and now it’s the opposite.

as for the shard nr, it is because it’s the most efficient to run
Flexing sr 90 doesn’t really do much, if it takes you 10mins to clear 1 shard, that’s really bad rewards. Sure it might be cool to do for some, but there is not much to gain.
These builds then serves as optimal farmers or “performance clearerers” within those explained/established metrics

If and when the goal was to include in sr90 by default, it would likely look a whole lot different, just like if it was a truly 100% Hardcore oriented list it would probably also be a bit different, but the folks laid our they criteria and is open about all the steps.