⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

Invoker Mage Hunter might be a little bit stronger overall.

Fire N&O Saboteur update!

Banana made this beast even better by choosing more offensive devotion map while also increasing DA and hp.

<< GRIMTOOLS >> Fire Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. SR 30-31 4:34 run Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 45 seconds kill


grimtools link doesn’t work Fire N&O Saboteur update!

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Thanks, fixed!


Hello. Is the Acid Sentinel that was in the original list no longer viable after latest patch? Thanks.

GT from original is still good, we just haven’t come around to updating it.

Vanquisher Templar update

Still one of the fastest campaign and SR farmers, just zip around and look for that nemesis spawn while everything burns in your tracks! Small tip while vireing is to hold force move all the time (i have it bound to M5) to avoid auto attacking.

Ravager 1:09
SR 30-31 3:55
naked EX 4:22


^That was one of the first builds I’ve read (coz I love mobility in games).
It’s super interesting. I would’ve played it if at least the set gave Vire’s Might a more flashy aggressive animation. Right now it looks a bit too silly.

Edit: Perhaps a charging through animation without the shield bash at the end (which doesn’t even make sense given the skill’s trail mechanics) would’ve been a lot better.

Edit2: How about a rigid charging & sword piercing through animation where the shield glows with flame?


The Blitz Warlord celestial kill vids were also wrongly pointing to the Avenger Warder ones. I had to search your YT to find the correct ones.

Edit: Forgot to say I was referring to the updated version

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Is there a guide for the Deathmarked Dervish? Not really a levelling guide, but a gameplay guide i.e. things to avoid to not die, some advanced tips, some general insights…

And if ever possible, a way to make it HC viable somehow (be it extreme adjustments or intense practice and intensive knowledge in avoiding certain dangers/decision-making).

The build looks so freaking cool and it’s so flashy and mobile and deadly, it’s giving me so much Assassin’s Creed and MOBA assassin nostalgia. The axe for instance screams AC 3, and the hood and mask and the armor are just so cool, period.

Oops, fixed that, thanks!

No guide. Just kill everything and learn how much heat in what spots your particular spec (depends on the greens you have) can take. Currently though I would prefer Pierce melee Dervish to Deathmarked really.

No idea, get more DA somehow or something. Again, I think Pierce Dervish can be fitted for HC better.


I just saw the Blitz Warlord vs Callagadra fight, and I saw that you wrote,
“Use couple of 15% Pierce res augments against this boss”.
Is there a patch note about Callagadra that’s not in grimtools? Coz I searched for Calla’s database and found no piercing RR whatsoever.

Calla (her tornados) used to debuff pierce RR as well iirc and then a lot of her damage is Pierce.

I was looking at the patch notes to hopefully find the rr you mentioned, but got extremely pleasantly surprised by the patch note about having the weapon switch bug fixed. I was used to waiting for months before my bug report gets noticed, but here it took 9 days lol.

Feels like a dream. This is wonderful


How do I do the devotion for korba trickster? can’t figure it out

Thanks! I figured it out earlier when I noticed some sustained themselves :sweat_smile:

For saboteur evoker build since i cant have zantarins shoulders - im revered with the faction what would be a good substitute?



Just get them in shattered realm