"total damage modified by %" in calculation

Does anyone know where additional flat damage and “total damage modified by” sit in the damage equation ?

If I have an baltazar crest equipped, and blade arc is transmuted with clean sweep, does the “60 physical damage added to blade arc” part get multiplied ? or added afterwards ?

What if the “total damage modified by” thing comes from gear instead of a transmuter ? does that change anything ?

Same question for added %weapon damage:

if I have blade arc at 26/16 (so 205%WD) and use clean sweep with a pit master’s axe, do I get 614% WD ((205 x 2.75) + 50) or 701%WD ? ((205 + 50) x 2.75) ?

“total damage modified by” is multiplicative bonus and applies at last order. Always.


Thank you :slight_smile: