I am currently 81 in Hardcore Ultimate and its working quite nice so far, didnt feel any serious threat whatsoever, although using Spark of Ultos/Lantern instead of Exonerator/Hydra and Empowered Sentinel’s Seal instead of Gollus ring.
Although you can put a lot better MI’s in many spots especially to boost OA but i simply didnt farm much in HC yet, haven’t played HC in a long while after some tasteless incidents :rolleyes:.
Been Also thinking about Clairvoyant Hat + Peerles Eye for a lot more extra points and + but i think Storm Shard do deal quite nice amount of damage to forgo.
There is a similar build from China focused on Gladiator (works quite well)
I re-build his toon on GT as precise as possible: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVv7dpZE
Quite the nice and lovely build, nice devotion ideas and i especially liked that there is 0 dependancy on ridiculous MI’s to function.
Okay… Share your build but it is a totally different build with non similar skill focuses aside from obligatory set items and logical couple spell choices.
That is a nice build you got there but i wanted to utilize tankiness/survivability of Soldier and especially Overguard and i deemed Warder fit better than Elementalist in that case.
Regardless if i am to comment on that trap build… I have been trying to stay away from builds that use 2-3 or more ridiculously rare MI combinations to cap resistances and boost OA in equally ridiculous fashion.
Crafted not less than a couple thousand boots and roughly half the amount for gloves. I have yet to see a Stonehide + Kings in the same item. Don’t even want to mention the rings. Would that build be even able to cap resistances while maintaining that OA and other defensive stats without those 3 rares? If not i rather stay away from that build.
-No build is dependant on MIs, one can get a little creative and build stuff w/o MIs - http://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2g1jvZy
Naturally the non MI version has some troubles (not talking about Bleed but rather about stun) but it’s still good thanks to the fire and forget nature of the build and also because those pants have a pretty damn sweet resistance capping skill useful in fights. I didn’t invest too much time into coming up with that but I do recall some Epic tier items that can do better in some slots
And you do loose some benefits when you drop MIs and rightfully so since MIs are intended to be nigh-perfect end game items if cheap legendaries can compete them then it makes all the effort put in to get said MIs go wasted.
-While tankiness is great and all Totems and Shards alone don’t deal extremely high amounts of damage if you lack RR which you do lack in a Warder ( a common problem with most player scaled summons)
Since you’ll be dealing damage through Shards and Totems your own characters has the liberty of staying away from danger and thus can kite while your summons deal the damage which imo is the point of a fire and forget build
Personally I never liked the idea of Lightning based Warder unless going Sword & Board
-Sorry to hear about the bad luck you had with MIs and stuff
It’s just a rare drop from kymon mobs I think?
I usually get mine from the secret vendor in the Blood Grove, but the incorruptible of prowess that I actually use dropped from the crucible.
-I know RR is a problem but didnt really have much problem with anything so far other than mobs with high lightning resistance. Already Nemesis with Aetherials and Cronley, didnt attempt Valdaran but Fabius went down around 38-42 seconds.
I assume how tanky the Elementalist with the tools it has but thought i rather have Overguard and extra bit of tankiness from Soldier since i leveled this in Hardcore.
But yeah as i said open to suggestions for RR.
-You changed the MI’s but how much %damage and other stats you lost? Having less than 80% resistances is just unacceptable for some people let alone below 75-70% which i dont mind since it can be solved with elixirs lest the annoyance of having them in your inventory and remembering to use all the time :D.
-Please dont get me wrong not that it is something to point fingers at although some people do despite GD being an offline singleplayer game, i feel some builds from creative buildmakers here are completed with MI’s/rares that are made with stash tools. I also had gotten that from a couple of your builds and saying that as someone who loves your creativity and builds, i leveled a couple of your builds and those are one of my favorite characters.
I tend to skip builds if it has least 3-5 rares/MI’s that are kind of nutty to acquire. I know im unlucky in RNG but i know after 1.5k hours that there is a certain threshold of grinding/crafting to be able to get those items considering the amount of possibilities out there.
-Change the Relic maybe to Necrosis (or maybe Haunt, can’t remember the name) for additional RR then for the Warder that is.
The crafting bonus will give you good defenses, you get some resistance or additional DA
-Slightly less than 80% in a GT link when implemented in actual practice easily hits 80% or above thanks to slight variations on gears
The only Elixir you need is the Hoarfrost one
You do loose damage and defense not going to argue with that. But if pure legendary builds can out perform or perform on par with MI builds then I don’t see any point in putting all those hours for those sweet MIs
-They aren’t completed with MIs but rather MIs are used since i think it’s best if the BIS version of a build is shown in respective guides
The guide itself is meant to make the concepts of the build clear, not that anyone bothers reading that stuff.
The only builds that are actually gear dependent are the ones that rely on certain forms of conversions
I won’t comment on the usage of stash tools since that will derail this thread I will however say that we have trading threads. The legitimacy of the item itself is a matter of blind faith. I personally trust the people here since I have had great success trading here.
SF players usually need crap ton of hours or need to sacrifice bunnies and get the blood of virgins (usually both) to get the items most non- SF players have.
I’ll go ahead and be honest about the fact that I’m duping my Monster Infrequant
I was able to get Solael to drop Stonehide Soael of Ruins. It is top gear for 3 of my character right now…they are all using Scaled Hide. I could Remove Augment. Transfer Stash. Add Augment. It would cost me like 20k Iron bit each time I move from one character to the other but honestly it would be a plain pain to do so I just did copy those pants and all character got them.
The first one was Legit Drop I didn’t do extra copy to trade them away or gain stuff from it I just made my life easier. If I ever drop the freaking Stonehide of Kings or something better than Ruins than I will probly end up selling 2 out of 3 and copy the Kings one to the 2 others characters.