Trading Items - Best Practices or Tips please

My lvl100 Tactician is only a few items away from an improved builds or new items that seemlingly elude discovery. I do not enjoy having to grind/farm and want to try a new build. I will work a google sheet and list what I have but do not see any recommendations for best ways to trade legit items in a way that protects both parties if it exists. I got burned a couple times in Diablo 2 so 20 years later I imagine Crate must have some recommendations regarding legit trades. Is it possible to spot a dupe or hacked item? Can you verify items before you trade? Should buyer or seller host? Is there always a risk of loss? What should an honest player be on the lookout for to outwit unscrupulous cheats who care nothing for the Random Generation Gods? I have so much purple, no room, need new purples. Help me.

Ask what you need in the FG legit trade post in Game play part of the forum, we are a small community and I didnā€™t see yet a bad person on trade (I trade a lot in the 2 send)ā€¦ Donā€™t think about bad !

When I trade an object between components, I exchange 8 small or 6 big components for an item (small are chtonic seals or Ugdenbog flower, bit the hearts, brainā€¦)

Before I start trading I saw somewhere that the non writing rules was 8 flower in general sinon AoM, soā€¦

look what I found in the guides section like the 7th entry :open_mouth:



Honestly I think itā€™s unlikely for someone into trading to offer you a hacked or duped item, that makes no senseā€¦
Canā€™t be sure about iron or mats, but if you post in the legit SC trade threads I think any party is trustworthy enough

Isnā€™t there like a tool to create/spam yourself any item you want? If you go down the road of ā€œhacking the itemsā€ there is already zero point in trading.
Btw, I also have a lvl100 tactician and massive amounts of items to trade for the upcoming endgame upgrade. :smiley:

Exactly, why would anyone craft/create/cheat a bunch of items, just to trade them for other items/mats/iron bits? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it is pretty fair to say that 99% of GD players who trade does so legit and with same friendly intentions


I guess I always assume some players will try to hustle others. Human nature really but maybe Crate fans are different.

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