[Translation errors] German

Following some translations errors for the german localisation. At start i dont know the correct english names for buildings used in the english localisation.

  1. Seed
    The seed number in the menu. Technically its correct translated, but “Saatgut” ONLY means the stuff you put in grounds. In this case i think “Karten-Generierungs-Schlüssel” or “Karten-Schlüssel” for short would be better (Map-Generator-Key or Map-Key).

  2. Wagonbuilder
    Technically correct, but misleading. Someone, including me, expect a producingbuilding which crafts wagons for fair use. Instead its a logistic building with ONE wagon.
    Therefor teh first sentence should use singular like : “Eine Werkstatt, die einen (Transport)wagen baut und unterhält”. You can cut out (Transport), because this is mainly self-explanatory with sentence 2

  3. Job-titles
    All translations are correct but some may have better solutions. Namely that in the overview sometimes the job title is used and sometimes only the job-building, seeing below

3.1 Places become People

Arbeitercamp → Camparbeiter (NEVER: Arbeitslager, for historical reasons)
Brennholz-Spaltplatz → Holzhacker
Rattenfängerhaus → Rattenfänger
Käserei → Käsereiarbeiter
Fassbinderei → Fassbinder
Glasmacherwerkstatt → Glasbläser (someone who blows glas)/Glasarbeiter/Glaser(more
used for plain glas like Windows)

3.2 Some better suggestions for translations in my ears

Säger ->Schreiner
Baumpfleger → Förster d(this is more a general forestworker)/Plantagenarbeiter
Hüter → (Vieh)-Hirte
Möbelbauer → Tischler/Schreiner (if Säger isnt changed, “Schreiner” are all kinds of

  1. Hospiz
    In German Hospiz stands for a hospital, where people go to die. Or better, in a Hospiz people with uncurable deseases are treated.
    Better would be “Krankenhaus”. If you want a more medieval word: “Hospital” or “Spital” is fine. The last one is more but not only used in the regions of swiss and austria.
  1. Just use “Karten-Code” or leave it with “Map seed”. There is no real German word for this. Everything else is an unfortunate attempt to force a German translation for it.

  2. This building can have two wagon (or maybe more later in early access?).
    “Eine Werkstatt, in der ein Transporteur seinen eigenen Wagen baut und mit ihm Güter schnell von einem zu einen anderen Ort transportiert, was die Effizienz beim Bau, der Landwirtschaft und des Ressourcenabbaus erhöht.”

3.2) Instead of “Baumpfleger” a “Obstbauer” would be better, as this building is not a “Baumschule” but a “Obstplantage”.

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Copy&paste another thread with same topic:

Some wording in the german lacalization really grinds my gears and i would like to make some feedback/suggestion on how to improve certain wordings and where the translation is completly missing.

Arbeitsunfähig - idle worker. this phrasing is used for disabled (physicly and/or mentally ill) people. suggestion: Arbeitsuntätig, actually meaning not working right now.

Heimstätte - Homestead, this would no one use in this case. if its used, its meant for retired, elderly and/or veterans to get into a place provided by the state or province.
suggestion: Siedler Haus, or just call it Haus since its an upgrade from the shack, Hütte.

the next ones are fine but could still be improved.

Baumschule - Orchard (i believe) this also is a bit misleading, tho not wrong in translation.
suggestion: Obsthof, Obstgarten.

Stapelplatz - just call it Lagerfläche

getragen - when clicking on a worker to display what he is carring. this phrasing is weird since its in a past form.
suggestion: trägt

when clicking on a destroyed building the proper translation for rebuilding (neu bauen/neu errichten) is missing.

wagon driver - when clicking on a wagon driver the translation for driver (Fahrer) is missing. also the wagon is not translated (Ochsenkarren)

you really created an awesome game and for an EA title you have already a ton of content and other langauge support, really impressive. these are just my two cents. keep up the good work! cant wait for .75 :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

okay… i thought to include it into your original post (if so feel free to edit and also not to include Stapelplatz :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ) so its all tidy. maybe turn this into a sammel thread?!
:smiley: legend actually just copy pasted it :smiley: :smiley:

I just treated this as a normal reply :wink:

wow i just saw how another developer is tackling language support

maybe this is something for crate as well to get into and the community can help.

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Thanks for the suggestions!

Matches not together… meat and description says logs …

A few new translation errors:

  1. Krankhaus (aka hospital)-description:
    “in” has to be “ihnen”
  2. Hunter-Material
    For context, hunting-language in germany is very complex, to this regard, that wie have an extra Hinter-words which could be also describe normal stuff. With this in mind its difficult to put a good translation to this topic.
    Both carcasses are called “Wildscheinkadaver”
    As far as i can tell only boars give the bigger carcas, the smaller one is for deer, wolfes and bears.
    In this regard, i recommend to change the name for the small carcas into “Wild” and the larger one into “Wildschwein” or “Schwarzwild”.
    Simpler and easier to understand would be “kleiner Tierkörper” und “großer Tierkörper” (small and big body), but you have to explain why bears are small then :smiley:
    2.2 Carcasses = Kadaver
    Formal it is a correct translaton, but “Kadaver” means a rotting corpse (of an animal), not meant to eat. And it has a very mean sound as well. So in my eyes it would be better change the word into “Körper”, “Wildkörper” or “Schlachtkörper”(for hunted animals). None of it is perfect thought.
  3. Korbwerkstatt
    Its a bit nit-picky, but i think “Korbflechterei” would be better. “Werkstatt” is a very general term for all buildings that produce with manual labor.
  4. Arsenal
    Nit-picky as well, but an “Arsenal” is a storage location (for mostly marine weaponry). Not a producing facility. “Zeughaus” is for land weaponry, but still a storage location.
    “Plattner” is a german, medieval term for someone who produce plate armor. So the building would be a “Plattnerei”

There are some which have been mentioned above
Instead of
Baumpfleger → Obstbauer
Brennholz-Spaltplatz → Holzhacker

Hunter-Material as said Carcasses are rotten corps, I think “Überreste” sounds a little bit better?
Wildschweinkadaver 1 → Rotwild Überreste for deers
Wildschweinkadaver 2 → Wildschwein Überreste

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