Turrion's (spam) BWC - too strong?

Which is not plausible for the most part since you won’t have the mana regen of arcanist.

There are ways of getting around the lack of energy problem. If you’re going Retaliation, chances are you’re going Obelisk so it’s possible to pickup Harp on the way or combo in Tree of Life. Few Ectoplasm can also help as well.

Actually, with the build I linked in the OP, I can spam it for 13-15 seconds before needing an energy potion. And if the thing you’re attacking isn’t dead by then, you likely need to kite a bit anyway, giving your energy time to regenerate and potion cooldown time to recover. For hordes of trash mobs, you don’t need anywhere near that many casts though. Like 2-3 cocktails is enough for most.

Also, what Baka said, although I didn’t go for Harp as it turned out to not be necessary. Actually didn’t go Obelisk route, wanted to try Hyrian as I hadn’t used it in a build yet.

I think just make a working build first with all the good endgame results if you want to raise something is too broken or not.

Otherwise, if it’s really nerfed because of this, it will just destroy another possible interesting build. Hybrid RtA, despite all the crate’s advertisement, is not prominent now sadly.

The demonstrated inability to read is quite baffling in this thread.