[TUT] How to import Titan Quest models into the editor

Hello people.

I been trying to import the horse and dog mesh from Titan Quest, but is impossible. I tried with an hexadecimal editor but I couldn’t.

Somebody knows any way to do it?

Nobody knows?

Having issues with my spear uniques not showing ingame. Spears like u_spear07 (Spear of the Dryads) are not showing, even with elfe’s tool. I tried adjusting the hex by hand but I’m not getting anywhere.

That’s odd, the actual mesh & tex of u_spear07 loads on my end. Try linking the .msh in a working GD dbr.
If that fails…get the source .msh from TQIT and only change 4D53 480B -to- 4D53 4802.

I’ve updated your tool, Elfe, if you don’t mind.
Now it should convert the mesh-type 0x0A as well.

A BIG THANKYOU to you and to Tamme Schichler, for his awesome TQ libraries!
(I used his TQ.Mesh code for the converter tool)

I’ve updated your tool, Elfe, if you don’t mind.
Now it should convert the mesh-type 0x0A as well.

A BIG THANKYOU to you and to Tamme Schichler, for his awesome TQ libraries!
(I used his TQ.Mesh code for the converter tool)

It doesn’t seem to work for me. I don’t know much of hex, I tinker with it and manage to get models to work for Grim Quest, but there are a handful of spears I have not been able to convert before (most from base TQ, IT spears seem to work fine).

Which models have you tested it with that worked? When I try the base TQ spears I want to convert it tells me they are not proper tq files.

Ah, I forgot to change the Single File Conversion; I’m sorry about that!:cry:

Please download the file again. It should work now… At least for me… :rolleyes:

Short Video

Single file conversion works, but now folder conversion works strangely. It won’t read files that are in the directory you place, but it will from any subdirectories within.

For example, I have folder “experiment” filled with files - the converter won’t read any of them and just spits out blank error report text files.

If I put a subfolder in that folder (for now just titled “New Folder” because I was lazy), and then I place any amount of files into that subfolder, the converter will convert those, but ignore those in the main “experiment” directory.

ok, I’ll have a look at this issue. Thank you for reporting and testing.

Happy New Year!

At first, thanks for import method, but i have some troubles.
As you can see above mace and shield work unlike armor.
It’s replace char meshes and don’t moves.
Is anyone have idea to fix it?
I’m share mod source: https://yadi.sk/d/J75mK-Ff36D2h7

It should now works as intended.

Happy New Year to you as well!

A TQ equipment mesh has a different bone structure than a GD equipment mesh.
You can see this if you verify the bones in the viewer.exe (Press F6).
Have a look for example at file “resources\items\gearfeet/feetf_001a_01.msh” and verify it with your santa’s “z_snowgreavesf01.msh”.

As a workaround I would suggest to use Tamschis MeshViewer, export the mesh to the Collada format, rename/add the needed bones and import it to 3DS Max and then export it again to the GD mesh format.

I haven’t try it by myself, so I don’t know if it works or not.

Maybe I’m able to fix these problems in a future meshconverter update.

-added a simple MIF data text editor

Usage: Load mesh, switch to tab mifData, edit data, save mesh.

NB: Always make a backup of your mesh/mif data you’re working on!

Because I wanted to exchange the default female head mesh with a better looking one,
I stumbled across the problem that any head equipment doesn’t fit on the new female head mesh.
To fix this issue I had to copy the MIF data from the old mesh to the new one.


This is going to save me a lot of time.

Could you please restore the attachment for the new version of the mesh converter? Unfortunatelly it got lost during the forum change.

First post updated!
Thx for the reminder, Elfe!

I am a bit confused here. The mesh converter is converting meshes, it does not seem to touch animations. Do animations also need to be converted sometimes ? Is there anything that does this, or are we simply lost at that point and cannot use the mesh either ?