Two handers / Components

I think it would really be awesome if two handed weapons you could put two components into the weapon. As it stands two handers are at a slight disadvantage over having two different items in your weapon slots.

A lot of people will say components dont matter or that they have very little impact in the game but i think differently especially when it comes to weapon slot components.

This will increase the amount of people who use two handers for their builds so they dont feel slightly gimped.

any ideas or thoughts on this guys?

I like this idea. Guild Wars 2 does something like this, as well.

“Slight” disadvantage? Their only advantage is Primal Strike, which is exclusively 2handed skill. 2handers don’t get any bonus damage from flat damage sources, have a lower attack speed, less item bonuses overall, less components and less augments.

Don’t forget that any %WD skill/devotion will basically deal double damage with 2H. But yeah, you’re right.

Double components for 2H would be great, I totally support this. Likewise, they could maybe allow double augments, which gives more flexibility than simply offering stronger augments for 2H weapons.

This has come up quite a few times, but nothing really ever happens unfortunately :frowning:

Well I really hope they take this into concideration or find a way to up the use of two handers. can really only think of a couple of class combos that even use two handers and that is lacking greatly.