Tyranny of Tyrant's

Disparity in the amount of tools that different archetypes have only leads to more “elitism” in endgame meta where few builds really have it all while others have very little. Giving more tools opens up more build options and contributes to build diversity. Examples: addition of damage reduction to Yugol or damage reduction to Magelords’ proc or damage reduction to Judicator’s seals opened up a lot of builds. One of them is my Avenger Archon, build that quickly became iconic.

You are missing the point. Point is builds that don’t have it available.

I mean I understand that your point is “too much of a good thing is a bad thing” and that “we have enough build diversity already”. But from my experience of making builds in different metas (years and years, you would think a 39 year old grown up will find himself another hobby but no :sweat_smile:), adding more diversity only made game better. Yes, we power crept quite a lot but damn you have so much variety because changes that you might’ve labeled as “too much of a good thing” went thru. Like Sabouter was a complete joke of a class for as long as I remember. Same goes for Elementalist. And now both have few (Sabo got quite a few) really strong builds at the top end. Sets like Runebinder became viable etc.