Ulzuin's Chosen skill bonus being almost non-existant on gear that is not for Fire damage

I was reminded about it recently when I was updating Rimetongue Sabouter. For some reason there are no skill bonuses to it on Rimetongue or Harra sets or Barellsmiths or Light Defender set. You wouldn’t find on rings or pants or shoulders or gloves either. I think it would be nice to sprinkle it across more diverse gear and it to mentioned sets.

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If only there we like 300 new items on the way in some sort of DLC.


Well I am sure those new awakened epics and new legendaries will do all sorts of crazy new exciting things and I am all for it.
But can you at least look at adding it to existing sets that support Grenado/Stun Jacks/Canister Bombs? Also Reign of Ice and Fire could easily have it instead of Consecration (haven’t really seen Ice and Fire used on Righteous Fervor builds)?