Undead nemesis on Ultimate - are you kidding me?

http://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1jjwZD this is my character

My pierce resistance is actually maxed out after Oak Skin, my chaos resistance is 71. I have 9k hp, and this guy just wrecks me. Took me some serious kiting and respecing into faster Mirror to get this guy. I drank all antifreeze stuff and all my debuffs (Oleron’s might + Eye of Benorath + Nullification and this guy was still one shotting me like it’s not a big deal.

What I am missing here (except top tier items)? Is it even possible to take on him in melee? Spent like 20 minutes and died 10 times before getting to his mediocre trove loot (level 75 legendary occultist amulet blueprint, thank you very much).

The only things I can say about Moosilauke are:

Freeze resistance or eliminating his crystals as they are appear makes the fight go by smoother. You can find freeze resistance in abundance from Hoarfrost Ointment, Frozen Hearts, the modifier to Maiven’s Sphere of Protection - Conversion.

Besides cold damage, he deals an absolute ton of physical damage, so things like physical resistance, physical damage reduction or high armour/armour absorption are a boon.

Use your environment to your advantage. You can stay out of his freeze by hiding around corners in the Arkovian Undercity/Steps of Torment hallways.

Edit: I’de also look at improving your DA. There’s a good chance some of your deaths were to being critted by him.

That really isn’t a lot, especially for Shamans.

Easily. Most of my characters don’t have issue with him, he’s one of the easier Nemeses. You just need to know which of his attacks are dangerous (Phase 1 his overhead swing, Phase 2 the super-Trozan’s) and back off from him when he uses them…or not. Frankly I just facetank him, timing my heals between those larger attacks.

Look into heavier armor and some phys resist.

Also catch him on a corner or in a hallway such that his crystals don’t freeze you much.

Pierce and Chaos resistance means nothing against Moosilauke because he deals high physical damage and cold damage.

Kind of low health for a class with Shaman, 10k is always the mininum to me for classes with Shaman.

Probably the best strategy to beat it is to use the environment to your advantage. Try to lure it to tight corridors with some sort of ceiling, this way
his Sky Shards and ice traps won’t touch you.

Pop his crystals when they spawn, ASAP.

He is a kitten, if you do so.

You need 80% freeze resistance against him, or you’ll be frozen most of the time. Use Hoarfrost Oilment next time you neet him.

Cold resistance, you have that, but he also deals very high phys damage. Your armor absorb is low. Use one or even two Scaled Hides if you can afford it. It will benefit you more than Silk swatch unless you are fighting Fablus where you need both pierce res and armor absorb to a decent level. Get heavier armor along with that

We really, really need some Mithril and Cloak of Evasion-esque options, up in this game.

GIVE them higher Spirit and/or Cunning reqs.

We WANT those choices.

…and go ahead and make Spirit worth more than being a nominal gear check (this does not contradict the above).

Technically that’s Shroud of Illusion:p

But I understand what you say.