Undead Priests kind of overpowered?

Unfortunately didn’t make a screenshot but it was actually an undoable fight that made me ragequit for a while. I was trapped in the arena with a boss and behind the gate were 2 undead priests that kept healing it to full life endlessly THROUGH walls…
It kinda seriously bugs me. Not only are they able to fully heal the strongest mobs the undead have but that they are even able to do it through walls is a serious issue if you’re trapped in a arena which’s gates have closed and make you unable to get to those priests to actually get rid of them. Normally it’s not a big deal. Just walk up to them and give them a beating. But either their heals need to be toned down or make them unable to heal through walls. It simply sucks if you’re trapped in a arena with a boss and can’t finish the fight because some stupid priests outside the arena, unreachable for you keep it fully topped off.

ngl, it feels bad in the moment, but then it stays with you/you remember
so next time you clear the priests before entering, your memory of the old fight makes you double check there are in fact none or the ones that were got deaded - i speak from shared trauma :sweat_smile:

fwiw, after being much more familiar with the game i don’t think i recall a spot where you can’t reach healers even when you’re locked in. It’s not really intuitive, but you tend to be able to beat them through the walls when you’re close enough/they’re close enough to heal. Some stuff you can straight up aoe through the gates too

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I have this game since it came out and admittedly never had this issue. But currently am i remaking my old main in preparation of FoA and this just happened…
And yea. Usually i keep clearing even the last corner but this time…yea…

wasn’t long ago since i had delayed spawns or something (earth crawlers), so got some priests again while fighting ilgor despite checking
had to bonk them through the wall :smile:

but yea, it happens, tho it can be dealt with usually

Can’t you just walk away from the wall, to get out of range from the priests?

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