Unintended and lack of Consequences

Couple of things. Currently it is possible to survive employing a couple of perhaps unintended features.
1 You can just use ‘Houses’ as a cash crop. Indeed perhaps the most effective one. There is no need to populate houses you just build them very cheaply and get income every month be they occupied or not. I doubt this was intended, would it not make more sense for only occupied houses to attract an income?
2 You can survive and even slowly grow the population even when the food supply is at malnourished levels. Is that intentional? Should there not be a more telling penalty for not providing adequate nourishment. Perhaps the same applies to providing clothing?

“not providing adequate nourishment” will decrease a lot of birth rate and combat effeciency.

Yes I am suggesting something more existential. i.e. 0 birth rate; Deaths from Starvation and a complete stop to immigration. People do not usually choose to move to countries where people are already starving.

Hungry people slowly take damage as they starve:

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