Unplayable Maps

I can fully appreciate the horsepower required to generate that number of polygons.
This ain’t no 8-bit, 16 color render.
It’s also why I champion having at least a minimum of the important resources on a map.
And why I hope a new widget will be forthcoming, to highlight just these raw materials, without the clutter of the forage grub hiding them.

Not all maps have all resources though as far as I can tell all maps will support your climb to Tier 2.

What you need to do is create an import/export economy starting in the second tier. For example, an arid map would have you exporting sand, iron ore and gold ore. You’d have to import clay, fish and some other resources which are lacking.

The tools are there. You just have to use them.


The ultra-importance of food in the game makes sand and clay a requirement to tailor the farm fields to particular crops.

Without them your people will starve because of the low production results, as there is simply no way to stop your population from growing.

Iron is required to make tools needed for farming, which seem to be a consumable item that needs replacing.

Many maps do not have suitable tree resources available to spend on both construction and coal production, making a coal mine a requirement also.

Without enough food, nothing survives.

The ability to trade for needed resources is dependent upon the right trader arriving, and the ability to produce enough excess of anything the trader is willing to buy and can afford.

Crate says it is looking at the trading system for ways to improve this, so let’s hope for the best.

Don’t build houses. Don’t accept migrants. Your population will be capped by your housing.

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Birthrates preclude this from being a viable option.
People will be born regardless of available housing.

Not if the people are sick because they have no food

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Now there’s a winning strategy! :laughing:

Let’s hear it for drought and famine!

Nothing like advancement by attrition, eh?

Since we have no way of controlling farmers, other than by the Profession tab limiting or adding the number of farmers allocated, implying that one has any control over when they harvest beyond farm field settings, or that the seasonal requirements can be overlooked somehow, is not a correct assessment of the situation.

The fields have limited growing seasons and individual crops have even greater limitations.

Nor does it address the field rot affecting crops already harvested.

All computer games are programs.

All games are simulations of something experienced in real life.

Chess on a computer is a programed simulation.

Chess on a board is a simulation (of war).

Efficiency in food production is absolutely critical to this game’s mechanics and cannot be overlooked.

I’m the one who whined loud enough (on Steam) to get Idyllic Valley introduced in game.

So, yeah.

That’s the map I’m discussing here.

Sorry if that wasn’t made clear earlier.

I have now played 115.2 hours. I have yet to have the game ‘birthrate me’ over maximum housing capacity. I have used it as population control for at least a 100 hours of that time.


I have already, and still do admit to having (multiple) visual impairments.

Color perception, depth perception and now age is causing its share of decay too.

The clutter of forage grub icons makes finding the needed raw materials very difficult, if at times all but impossible.

This, after waiting patiently each time for a new map to be generated.

Burning a half hour just to find a playable map doesn’t seem an efficient use time, considering the instructions you must click on to start, which extoll the importance of doing so.

Which is why I champion a new Widget for raw material icons only, devoid of the forage icon clutter.

Problem solved, and it’s an option you do not need to employ should you choose not to.

Maybe I’m not the perfect early access customer, but I’m not the only one with visual impairments, or being late to the learning curve, that addressing would not expand their customer base and better serve the game.

I’ll start getting screenshots for you.

You can slide crops anywhere along the season ‘tray’ you want, true.

But doing so will put them in danger of heat or cold stresses that reduce or destroy crops.

Peas grow okay in cold, but Beans will suffer, where Beans will grow well in hot, but Peas will suffer.

My observations suggest that staging their harvest times to not coincide results in farmers all retreating to their shelters too often and food crops suffer, where setting them all up closer together results in all of them gang-tackling fields as they come up.

This should not be taken as canon however, because that T3 colony failed upon massive and complete field rot, and the ensuing starvation.

But this is still not just a superficial argument, as food is absolutely critical to survival.

I do not use words that I am not fully understanding of their various meanings.

When you play Chess you simulate the actions of war, whether it through a computer program, or on a board.

Foliage is a setting in the games video options. It can be disabled and will make it easier to see things.


You are literally complaining about intended mechanics of the game. You are meant to stagger the crops and rotate them in order to balance your fields and your farm labour.

That’s the point, and you’re purposefully ignoring it to further demand changes to a game that will undermine the core mechanics of the game. Your solution had your entire colony die, and yet you still refuse to listen to anything said to you and you continue to obstinately argue a point you don’t understand.

Idyllic will commonly spawn with all resources. I get that a widget would help you, and almost anyone, with finding these resources and I never said that shouldn’t be in the game. But you’re using allegorical evidence that is, by your own admission, likely flawed to make demands that detract from the game, regardless of one or two good points that will directly address the other ‘issues’ you have.

Good luck bud, you were given the answer on how to make farming work and you’re refusing to listen to it. And no, you do not understand simulation at all.

harder maps are meant to force you to use trade. if you want a map with everything play Idyllic Valley

Your appreciation of what I understand is of little concern to me.

Your lack of appreciation for the fact that this is pre-release, and that the devs are looking for input from people here is the only thing not being understood.

With this ‘glorified Jenga tower’ we’re erecting, we seek to find a way to balance it to the top, with each stone or stick we place.

‘Your solution had your entire colony die, and yet you still refuse to listen…’<

Less than fifty hours played and my first T3 level colony.

I think I did pretty frickin awesome (for a noob) to get them that far.

If, as it seems, my impressions while doing so are a subject for ridicule for you, that’s a personal problem you should deal with, and again, not my concern.

I listen to everything and everyone, until they give me reason not to, and even then, I will be aware of what is.

I haven’t reached T3 yet again but when I do, I do have a different set of crop rotations in mind that I will try, some as a result of our conversations.

But it will result in only one crop per year per field, rather than the two different ones I was getting before such as Peas and Beans, Wheat & Carrots, etc. per growing season per field.

The issues of clay/sand balance may need to be addressed annually also, if crop rotation is not on a bi-annual basis.

It doesn’t seem that throwing in the odd Flax every three seasons does anything for rotation either as my fields with them also fell to rot.

If what I was doing is not the correct interpretation of rotating crops, then I will try a new method.

As I said, I don’t represent canon.

You think it was my choice to let that time spent fall to ruin?

That I wanted to see, or wastreled my way to and through all of my crops falling to field rot at once, destroying virtually the entire food crop for hundreds of inhabitants?

What on Earth would make you think that?

All of my efforts here have been towards the success of every player’s colony, because I’ve seen some truly beautiful creations in colony building games before, by people who had the time and talent to turn it into art, and would like to see more, times more polygons.

Sorry, but not really.


Es Me Barrio, Bro.

I can’t even begin to compete with the orcs and wargs some here suffer.

You really seem offended by help, or just offended easily. Oh well. =)

My thanks.
I will look further into the settings and see if I can find it. :slight_smile:

‘… you refuse to listen…’ is an abrasive comment.
Re-read your Sun Tsu.

“Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.”

I didn’t mean to be dismissive, I was just being factual. Different maps are for different styles of play. the harder resource style maps are not for those of us who like to have all the resources available (or in my case - i normally like having everything available. once in a while i’ll play hard mode).

Hence pick your map based on how hard you want resource management in your city (adjusted for your difficulty settings selected).

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No, it’s not.

That quote is ironic coming from you.