Unstable anomaly poison build theorycraft

I was bored, and since I like unstable anomaly on paper, I decided to try something on grimtools and came with this.
What do u guys think?

Resume: 4sec cd blight fiend with time dilation, so I hope there will be 3 sometimes
and that’s it, poison buffs and debuffs for then


Taken from this thread

Based off your build, if you do nothing but cast Blight Fiend constantly, your Energy Regeneration is essentially 0, meaning it’ll be a chore just keeping your 3 Blight Fiends running at one time. Not only that, but you can’t rest and recuperate your Energy because your Blight Fiends keep decomposing and you’d have to start from scratch again. At this state, Unstable Anomaly needs to be reworked before it can be considered usable.

I’d recommend my own Poison Pet build as it uses Viperfang Grips to give pets flat Poison damage, and it uses many more pets (9 Skeletons + 5 Primal Instinct pets) to inflict it, leads to much more DPS overall than just the Blight Fiends alone.

I tried my build with Unstable Anomaly and changing my Devotion spec to get Time Dilation, but the build ended up performing worse than my original build.

Thanks for the reply… I didn’t even thought about the energy
I hope this gets revised in the next patch, since almost nobody uses unstable anomaly since AOM launch