v1.0.0.1 feedback

Just finished grim dawn for the first time

I realize that this game was developed very quickly, with a small team, with no money, so take my opinion with a grain of salt

PROS of Grim Dawn

  • Item distribution and drop rate is perfect

  • Quartermaster is genius

  • Devotion is perfect, love it, (thank you for letting us buy back points)

  • Crafting/quartermaster gives you the items you need and are lacking

  • nemesis/bounties

  • Everything that made TQ great is in this game

CONS of Grim Dawn


  • Items dont feel powerful enough, minor increments in character/item power dont feel significant, reduces motivation and incentive


  • Skills dont feel powerful or satisfying, which makes leveling up feel less satisfying

power curve/balance

  • This game is pretty balanced, but also kind of stiff, putting 1 or 3 points into a skill does not really game a whole lot of difference, i never feel like get past the power curve, this could also be because enemies scale with your level (also a pro and con)

level design

  • I never feel like i get to where i am supposed to be going


  • This game is pretty long when you explore every area and do all quests, when i finally got to the end of normal i was level 45, and i really did not feel the need or want to continue to epic, i wish there were fewer but more significant quests

the version was actually v1.0.0.4
(take no personal offence devs, i like the game overall)

i feel like getting to level 45 and epic was a big and long grind, it felt like a chore to level up

i put in 700 hours into the game when just act 1-2 were available, and am now struggling to put in even 10 hours in… am i missing something? anyone else feel this way? or is it just me?

You spent 700 hours into the game… it’s normal to be bored of it.