V1.0.0.9 "Chaosmancer" Vita/Chaos Dual Pistols

Hi, before starting, i’m not English, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and uncomprehensible sentences. (Do not hesitate to let me know in the comments).

The build is still undergoing improvements and I look forward to your feedback and advice to help me perfect it.

Character Overview :

So… Whats is this build ? Take a look on this screenshots :

Character Gear / Devotions / Skills :

All items in the link below are average stats, this isn’t my real stats, Refer to the image for statistics.
Click on the book bottom left for Skills and Devotion


It’s time now to explain you how i play this build.

Its a mix between Lifesteal DoT and auto attack damage.

Curse of frailty for slowing foe and Damage them and Lifesteal AoE with the Wendigo’s Mark .

Sigil of Consumption for Damage and Lifesteal AoE.

Fire Strike ( Brimstone ) is my auto attack with the Twing Fangs AoE and Lifesteal. He deal good damage and its my main attack after using all of my skill.

Soleal’s Flame and Bloody Pox are both DoT AoE.

Doom Bolt is my main burst damage (Top damage 96k) with small AoE. When i use it my Hungering Void proc and give me more DPS for 20sec.

Blackwater Cocktail not really usefull, i’ve try to spend some point in but i dont really use it.

Blood of Dreg is for small life recover and for the missing poison/acide resistance ( I’m 60% normal time ).

Half of my gear got proc who deal damages/support when i’m hit or when i attack. In battle gear + Skill can deal a really good amount of damages in few seconds.

Advantages Disadvantages Improvements :

Advantages :

  • Really good lifesteal.
  • Damage seems good, i think.
  • Helpfull in a party with the AoE.
  • Can Stay in place with Sigil Of Consumption but cant take too many big damages in a instant.

Disadvantages :

  • Really weak cause of the 7k HP.
  • Need kitting if you dont use correctly your spells.
  • Spells must be cast everywhere regularly so that the AoE damages is distributed among the enemies.
  • Cant dual pistol without relic. And there is no one good relic for this build with the dual pistol passif. It’s like i loose one equipement part.

Improvements :

As you can see on the first picture, i’ve some gear in my second bag.
They are all good item for this kind of build but, i think i’ve take the best one for resistance/damage. I dont know about the skill points, i’ve try a lot of combination but now,i need 15k for downgrading 1 point so i can’t change often my skill for testing ^^.

Actually some parts of my gear are not finish like my relic i need the Plunderer’s Talisman. And i think i can change some part of my build for more optimization.

I’ve skill and attributes points missing. according to grimtool 3 of each and 3 devotion missing too.

Thats why i need some advice for optimize all of this. I know its better to play more with Fire/Chaos for this masteries but i really like the playstyle of this one.

I thank in advance all those who will read this build and help me to improve it. if you need more informations say it below. Good luck and have fun in Cairn’s World

Crate Entertainment if you come here please add a passif skill for Demolitionist for the Dual Pistol Passif :cry:



There are items that let you dual-wield pistols, so you can use another relic if you choose.

Marauder’s Ammo Belt for instance.

They might be sub-optimal for your build, but far less so than lacking a proper relic, methinks.

The Marauder’s Ammo Belt give same effect than the relic, cold/fire damage. But relic 6% speed, so its better. Crate should do something about access to the dual wield pistol ability more easily or add new item.

they will addresse that in the expac… with probably more item support, not to mention that the upcoming skill ranged expertise from the inquisitor class that also allows dw.

Yeah Inquisitor allow the dual wield but i dont know if he can deal any chaos or vitality damage. It seems to be Lightning/fire and i dont remember the other skills. Wait & see.

Lets take a look.
Here are the concept of improvement.

  1. At ultimate, most people with capped resistance still dying because of physical dmg. The thing is how to reduce or how to avoid it.
  • % Physical resistance
  • Armor & Armor Absorption
  • Blocked by shield
  • % Avoid melee&deflect chance
  • Debuff with CC, Best is fumble and impaired aim debuff. make even bosses’ attack miss. Other is stun/freeze/confuse/slow/entrapped/petrify but those don’t affect bosses.
  • Buff&Auras that absorp dmg or reduced incoming dmg.
  1. Modify Dmg Output
  • % dmg type > 1000% (the more % it get, the less effective to add)
  • Flat dmg type (the more % it has, the more effective to add)
  • total damage/crit dmg (If you can, there aren’t so many option)
  • offensive ability(OA) to increase hit & crit chance. [2300+ at endgame is recommend]
  1. Survivability
    Combine those 1 and 2 together. Kill enemies before they kill you is enough. the faster and easier you can do it, the more efficient your build is. About the HP sustain you might not have problems in it. Mostly ADCtH(get life by attacking), high HP regen or trigger something to instantly gain HP is ok.

Also the CC reduction is important too. Mostly Reduced Stun Duration are useful for some serious bosses&nemesis fight.


  • Curse of Frailty (CoF) : You actually don’t need it that much. Just only 5-6/12 is enough for effective radius. There’re more better skills for CC.
  • Bloody Pox : I don’t know what it’s actually good at. Your choice.
  • Doom Bolt : It’s ok if you don’t have energy problem.
  • Blood of Dreeg : For more OA and HP
  • Aspect of Guardian : You may think later for the sake of physical resistance. It is good, but the rings give enough resistance though.
  • Demon Fire [On BWC] : You said you deal chaos&vitality dmg. Don’t waste the point in -armor. Your main dmg is from firestrike anyway. The thing is High Potency to reduced physical dmg from enemies. You may invest point in Agonizing Flame instead for resistance reduction(RR)
  • Thermite Mine & Hellfire Mine : The best -X% chaos resistance so far. Amplify your dmg up so high.
  • Flashbang & Searing light : The best CC for every situation in the game. You may not trust me, but I found it very useful since old patch at 50% fumble chance. That’s make boss even toss a coin to attack me(Now it reduced to 33%). And 50% confuse to large group of enemies are very insane. It make mobs struggle and ran away. Really good skill so far. Worthy max both of them.

*** you may take the point out from the least efficient skills. I think some ultimate level skills aren’t that good. There’s only small gap beyond max level.

  • 7k HP isn’t weak. If you don’t know how to fix survivability, even 10k or more still weak and squishy. Lower the enemies’ chance to get close and hit you by the advice above. Some builds survival relate to kill time.
  • Dual Wield : There’re many choice out there. Find the best suits your gears and combination. If no, change the gear set up or accept it.

PS. I’m not mention for the gear. It is recommend to find good green pants and boots, also a new ring(stick 1 Entropic Coil is ok). Boots by random lotto-crafting. Pants dropped by Solael. Ring may be from cronley.

Also nice to see configuration with Mark of Fierce resolve. It is good medal for non-best in shot(BiS) gears. If you get better gear. try to use Pyroclasm Mark and switch relic to Solael’s Decimation.