Hello ppl,
I followed this thread and made a similar build for vanilla, it was inspired by and indeed based on this amazing build by Ryzel.
Cold & frostburn BM is really good and I cheesed expansion MQ using full lv 85 gears. This is my updated cold S&B BM build:
From my experience some tips for expansion are:
Devotion: since 5 more points and new constellations, it’s much easier to pick all “good” constellations now. Murmur is really good with Rumor providing another source for RR, and Giant’s blood making this build even more tanky
Skills: tbh I have no idea where to put additional points, everything seems to have very diminishing return. So what I did is:
a) maxed out BB for even shorter cooldown time, allowing more invincibility. It’s very useful when face tanking large group/bosses.
b) put rest into Merciless Repertoire for flat increase in dmg. this is a no brainer so I m not really sure if this is optimal.
Gears: mostly just replace everything with mythical ver. it’s a no brainer approach and still very good. Now with mythical tier it is easy to cap res, and more options for components and arguments. Some things on gearing I notices so far are:
a) [u]Weapon:[/u] I haven't got Mythical Crescent Moon so I am using a Mythical Beacon and a Mythical Olexra, both are doing good. But I think Mythical Crescent Moon is still BiS cuz of RR.
b) [u]Head:[/u] Mythical Clairvoyant Hat requires an absurdly high spirit of 560, it's not worth upgrading unless you can top up spirit with other slots.
c) [u]Hand:[/u] Chilling Grip of Hagarrad is a really good piece, modifier to Veil of Shadow is great.
d) [u]Relic:[/u] Nidalla's Outbreak buffs cold dmg nicely and I see it more relevant now than Bastion.
e) [u]Shoes:[/u] With new crafting tweaks it's now much easier to get good green from blacksmiths, and high level green prefix and suffix can provide very high res bonus. It's very easy to cap certain 1 or 2 res using the right shoes/pants, then topping up other res with components and arguments.
Since exp I have farmed for quite some time and replaced like about 60% of the gears so far, it has already been quite strong and tanky.
Tried it with vanilla nemesis in lv 100 and can face tank them all without any problem. New nemesis/super bosses are not tested yet, gonna farm more rep.
There’s defiantly much room for improvement, so C&C please.