[v1.1.9.6] Mythical Korvaak's Brand dropped with old patch stats

Just had this medal drop for me and to my disappointment it’s missing affixes that were added in recent patches. I’m playing on v1.1.9.6 and spot checked a dozen other items to confirm that they have the latest patch changes. I tried restarting and placing it in shared stash hoping it’d update but it’s stuck at pre stats.

Nothing crazy installed mods wise - Grim Internals, Rainbow Text, Larger Cursor, Caravan Inventory.

This item is best in slot for my build so I’m pretty upset I’ll have to hope it drops again fixed, or just spawn it by installing GDStash.

if you’re on GoG it probably means your game wasnt’ updated correct
if you use the manual installers it’s apparently easy to only partially update the game, in which case this happens with items
what happens is you only update the base game with the installer, but the changes are actually in the expansion/FG table, so you get this weird mix
proper updating the game seem to always fix it, if on GoG ofc
if you’re on Xbox i suppose the above can be ignored

I am on Steam.

And as mentioned, I checked a dozen other items and they have stats that match changes made in

did you try reinstall the game ?
on 9.6 my korvaak’s brand has the right stats ingame

Considering all the mods in that screenshot, I am inclined to suggest trying with a clean instal.

I appreciate the reply!
I listed all my mods in the original post.
I would try a reinstall but I am concerned the large inventory mod will break and I am unsure what will happen to all the items.

reinstall/clean unmodded game encouragement maybe?
this just dropped 5secs ago

Thanks for confirming it’s dropping correctly for you, I expected this was just happening to me.

My game is very lightly modded with qol tweaks that you can find recommended as “essential” in any discussion about this game. My experiencing a tiny niche bug like this isn’t exactly grounds to push an unmodded playstyle on someone. Play how you want from whatever pedestal you prefer.

the likely culprit here is probably either simply just not a fully updated file, ie a reinstall would update it
or caravan, which is many patches unupdated/old
grim internals and rainbow usually don’t affect items in this fashion, and GI is updated for every patch anyway, so those are totally fine
don’t know about Larger cursor, i’m guessing it doesn’t mess with the game/item tables
a reinstall doesnt ruin your chars or items,
^at worst it might mess with caravan/make you reinstall caravan, or play without if caravan is the culprit for the items not updating- alternatively use a different storage utility like item assistant, since carvan hasn’t been updated in a long time

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Yea, I’d prefer not to use caravan as it is quite old as you mentioned. I’m just a hoarder in these games - I want to have 1 of every item eventually.

I just don’t know if the items outside the vanilla inventory window size will disappear if I remove caravan.

I guess I’ll use item assistant and move everything out first. Appreciate your help!

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