Hi, I would like to bring attention to the state of the Amarasta’s Blade Burst bonuses on the Targo set. I recently made a build documenting my experience with it, among other things on a Targo Blademaster, here: Targo 1H BA Blademaster.
Basically, the big problem is that… well, even with the boosts to ABB on the set, and buffs to them in recent patches, the skill is still woefully inadequate. It is impossible to use both ABB and Blade Arc (the spam version of the latter) together in one build, as would seem to be an intended possibility of the set, without the build’s performance tanking.
I took some recordings of dummy kill times with this build to illustrate this point. The only difference between the two setups below is that the first one does not take ABB at all, while the second fully hardcaps it, whilst also wearing an Ilgor’s Curse medal I had to (theoretically) boost ABB damage further. I use a Royal Jelly Extract in both to boost energy regeneration, which is needed on dummies.
Dummy kill without ABB:
Dummy kill with ABB:
As you can see, the setup without ABB not only kills the dummy faster, but also with substantially less energy issues. 26/16 points invested, for an actually worse outcome than not taking it at all does not seem quite the best.
In case it comes up here too, taking ABB with just one point and maxing out Lethal Assault does not result in anything resembling a performance increase for this, either. I can do a recording of that too if needed but didn’t want this post to get too big.
I would suggest bumping up the flat damage to ABB on the set further, at the very least. As I also noted in my thread, simply buffing %weapon damage does not seem enough for it because the base weapon damage on a 1-handed build using Targo is so low in the first place, it does not make much difference for non-cooldown-reduced ABB.