Here are somethings you have to know in order to play as a primal strike warder.
- Knowing when to place a totem is key for survivability. If there are a lot of mobs or there are heroes, place a totem. Make sure that the totem is always close to you and your enemies, so be sure to always reset your totem whenever you can and try to stay within the totem’s radius as much as possible.
- The warder is tanky, but that still doesn’t mean he can’t die due to carelessness. Be aware of you’re surroundings. If for whatever reason, you feel like you can’t take the heat, then step back out of the fight for a second and get back in when you’re ready.
- Be sure to spam Sacred Strike when it’s up for additional resist debuff.
- When just trying to run through things, Blitz can help cover the distance. Be sure that you’ll be able to move out once it hits though.