Valdaran and Mqueen need a small cooldown on their "retal" auras, take 147

And a big -tdm at point blank with dmg adjusted accordingly, please.

There is no other instance in the game, not even close, where a type of attack is punished so much by select mobs as multiprojectiles by Valdaran and Mqueen. It’s very hard to find reason why every no cd proc was removed from the game but these two stayed.

In here i walk over Valdaran and get 14.3k removed in two frames, while having Maiven and Phoenix active, no global debuffs, 30%+ lightning res overcap.

Before that I played Desolator (which needs a little more to be decent tbh, some 23% casting speed would help because you have so many casts) and it works more or less fine, even can tank some full bossrooms… but when you meet Valdaran he can end you solo. This is just unfun, idk.

And a side note, with potato low graphic settings (some people have to play like that) it’s very hard to tell when his aura starts. Does this model allow any other animations? A NEMESIS that does everything with one same right hook animation is a little underwhelming.


when i played Lee’s PRM i asked if Valde aura had changed, because normally i’m sorta ok with noticing his buff/aura turning on, dispelling it or moving away in the right moment, but for some reason this playtest i struggle a lot to notice it.
I kinda doubt visuals would have changed without changelog notice or stuff?, but for whatever reason i feel it’s gotten harder on the same pc, and some sort better visualization would def be appreciated “now”.

Thinking maybe make the aura “huge” nova style, like really really wide so the lightning field gets really noticeable. Might even help with cluster fracks like cruci or chunks ?

Mad_queen’s aura is at least visible, with Valdaran I still have no idea when he’s gonna retaliate with 5 billion projectiles and when not tbh. Damage could stay as it is if it was a lot clearer than now, but if that’s not doable, I agree with a point blank dmg nerf.

Edit: why the f did I write mad queen like mad_lee :sweat_smile:


There is a sound when his aura comes up, but it is way less noticeable than mad queen’s scream + red aura. I often notice Valdaran’s aura but only like a second or two after it comes up (visually).
Found this video of a very slow killing of him on YT - notice the sound when the aura comes up

I preferred when elite builders laughed at monsters and claimed everything was EASY. That gave other players something to look up to, sparked respect, even if claims were exaggerated. For some reason that stance is less common now.

Instead we get this. Nerfed arcanes, chargers and sunder’s border effect. You’re gonna get Valde nerfed too. His aura is hard to notice? So what? Focus on him, learn the timing, figure something out. The usual stuff I had to learn to survive with my weak characters. You’re the top players, right?

This is about as cordial I think I can be but this take is absolute rubbish.

They are not nerfed, they are visible. The effect is the same. I can’t even remember if it moved slower/faster before.

Rightfully so, just like every other ARPG out there. They have either auditory or visible cues.

This thread isn’t asking for any damage nerfs first. It’s asking for visibility above that.

Congratulations on figuring out Val patterns. There isn’t anything better then more practice, so go get on it!! :+1:

For Valdaran, in High SR you want to go away when he has his aura around it (to be honest I focus on him hard to see when he glows and run away haha) and also when he teleport on you because he does his AOE attack right away that shotgun you big time.

So if he teleport on you and you have your dodge and your mobility skills on cooldown, you’re pretty much dead in high SR.

From my experiance, the effect around him that hurt you when you hit him isn’t (still hurt a lot but you have to stop the attack quickly) as bad as the AOE attack after he teleport (at least that’s usually the attack that kill my characters (if it does) in high SR)

Maybe just give to Valdaran such bright red aura that mad_queen already have

Yes, it may look not very matched in aesthetically way but in other hand in elden ring we been a witness that red lighting could be hella cool in visual way

Don´t be close to him and don´t be far so that he teleports. There is a sweetspot distance at which you can move around to not get hit by aura and for him to not teleport.

His aura and Fabius´ blades are hard to notice with all the effects around.

PT feedback can’t be based on individual player abilities, you have to look at the game from the perspective of inexperienced player too.

Even Aleks’s meteor, a well telegraphed rock falling on your head, doesn’t just oneshot most characters tuned for endgame. Even very telegraphed shotgun from Zantarin is not always a oneshot. Valdaran’s ability is poorly telegraphed and leads to common oneshot vs characters with multiprojectile skills. To make matters worse, the boss can randomly teleport on top of you and shotgun you from within.

I hate the past years notion in gaming worshiping any difficulty. Difficulty can be designed well or badly. And if i think that smth has flawed design, i’m not gonna be silent just because i’m a good player and need to eat up everything going my way.


Fabius is also impossible to see what’s going on. I mostly go: “Oh shit my health is vanishing, he’s probably in reflect mode” because it’s all just white from effects and he’s only a tiny little human. Even worse when he has his blade spirits out, because they’ll still damage you while you can’t hit him :upside_down_face: and if you don’t notice soon enough what’s going on you’re dead.


Just kill hime before his retal aura…:grin:

Could be true for his teleport only trigering from a certain distance from him.
To be fair, in high SR, when your health is really low (with your defense skill/proc on CD) you tend to run away a a bit further :smiley:

If you are in this zone then he will move to you but not teleport to you and you can keep your distance. It works. This is how I fight him in SR 90 and higher when it is necessary.