Valguur's Hunger (Needs to reduce CD or increases duration for Storm Totem)

One important skill for Valguur’s Hunger set is the transmuted Storm Totem that deals vitality damage. The set allows an additional storm totem to be summoned, but there’s no duration or CD modifiers to the totems on the set, making it very hard to utilize that extra totem, unless you equip the conduit that cuts down the cooldown by additional 0.5 seconds.

But with the new patch, that affix for the conduit is no longer there. And I believe there is no other items in available slots that can help with this.

So can we maybe add some CD reduction or duration increase in the 4/4 bonus of the set for Storm Totems?

EDIT: sorry, mistakenly thought the conduit increased the duration of storm totems.

You are right

This isn’t correct. Storm totem cd was reduced to 4.5 seconds with 14second duration. By default average rolls of cdr on offhand + helm (21%) will give enough cdr to summon 4 totems for duration assuming perfect timing on cooldowns. Taking a mainhand + amulet with cdr gives a buffer for recast before the 4th expires

With that being said, a minor duration or flat cd reduction tied to the four piece probably wouldn’t hurt though.

Good thread and +1.

The conduit change stripped 2 seconds of Totem uptime from builds that needed it. That is Stormreaver and Valguur as well as some green builds with Stormstrife or Groble Sky Effigy. And they were needed because casting of Totems takes a good fraction of a second which accumulates every casting and affects the uptime of the last totem. Valguur gets ~50% of the extra totem.

It was quite a nerf to all those builds. Funny thing is the same was done to Mortars which did not need it in any situation, and the previous conduit was useless. Totem conduit wasn’t, and now there isn’t any. In fact the math of the Totem cd/uptime with and without the old conduit was very well balanced for almost all builds. Now it’s kinda ruined.

Another problem is that there are no good amulets with +1 to shaman for lightning.

Anyways, among many good changes lately, the conduit removals is one very bad move by Crate. Items should not get removed from aRPG games.

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