Villager AI could use some tweaking

So after 60 hours of gameplay, I have noticed a few villager habits that can sometimes be quite frustrating:

Guards: In the case of a raid or invasion, they should be prioritized to garrison status to defend the village. Too many times the raiders approach my towers only to be met with half or no arrow fire because my guards have decided to stock up their homes or go drinking or anything else other than work until the raid is long over. Just a forced switch back to duty whenever a raid begins would be nice.

Hunters: They are a little too aggressive towards wolves. Oh you have no arrows left and there are five wolves? Yeah let’s charge right in there! Already have a carcass to bring home but that wolf way over there hasn’t seen you yet? Yep, drop the carcass and chase it down! (see bug report in my other topic) Also on this, I feel that the rabies ailment is conferred way too easily and given that it is guaranteed death in this game, it can be a problem.

Villagers: For some reason, when “seeking food” they will go for whatever is closest even if it is dropped on the ground in the middle of nowhere. I had a villager who decided to go forage some eggs. He took with him 40 pieces of smoked meat for some unknown reason. The eggs were right beside three wolf dens. He died and dropped all the meat and eggs. I then had to spend the next long long time babysitting my villagers because every single one in the north side would try to go for those meat and eggs and get themselves killed (eaten or rabies). Thankfully, the eggs expired and someone managed to get the meat but not before the loss of dozens of dumb villagers. (I do not mourn their loss)

Now I know that picking up items on the ground is necessary to their AI, so I would suggest some form of recognizing enemy areas and ignoring items within their range until cleared.

Villagers 2: ‘Hey! It is a wolf den with a bunch of wolves! I, Nightsoilsman, shall save the village by running in alone and vanquishing our foes!’ No. Just because your job sounds like a weird superhero does not make you one. Nor is the that lone laborer or builder. Villagers should not try to attack the wolf dens with their garden tools. Maybe soldiers or guards but not regular villagers. At least not automatically, maybe by manual command only. That way you can form a large group.

On that note: A “Do not attack” toggle box on the wolf dens would be great. Wolves are often a necessary food source in this game, so having my villagers run out to attack the wolf den thinking they are helping, annoys me to no end.

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