Vire's cascade (Honor) ignores skill cooldown reduction

I was a bit suspicious the vire’s cascade skill seemed to be taking longer than I expected to become available when I had a couple of skill cooldown reductions applied.
I was curious, so I experimented with skill cooldown.

To make it obvious what’s happening, either hack skill cooldown effects onto some items or use gd stash for a number of items with chronomancer prefix.
Give the character 100% skill cooldown reduction so skills should become instantly available.
Make sure you have honor and at least one skill other than vires cascade with a cooldown period.
Associate Vire’s Cascade to one of your skill buttons, press it and watch it count down from 3 seconds. 3,2,1. Zero reduction.
Then try any other skill and you see no countdown.
Try pressing your number key whilst it’s counting down and confirm it’s not cosmetic - you get “that skill’s not ready” message.

Impact: Low for me and I guess few players will notice as they probably only have maybe 30% cooldown reduction max and it’s then like 1 second out 3.

regular CDR, path of three/caster offhands/star pact, doesn’t apply to item granted skills, it has to be direct/flat reduction (eternity/belgo carnage relic/time dialation devo)

Grim Dawn: Secret Mechanics :sweat_smile:

been known for a good long while :sweat_smile:

*also highly evident just going by the tooltip, since item granted skills doesnt’ decrease CD in tooltip, while devos and class tree skills CD tooltip does change when you have ex 30%+cdr

Okaydokes. Thanks.

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