Walls may as well be paper

Anyone else think walls are barely more than a waste of time and resources? I know everyone says do double or triple walls - looks terrible. Surely there’s a better solution. Maybe an upgrade at tier 4?


A Tier 4 upgrade would be interesting. Especially with the aesthetics of the tier 4 Towns Hall (if I remember right there is one, haven’t been playing for 2 months tbh).

However, also keep in mind that Walls are merely supposed to be “slowdowns” for enemy troops. They aren’t challenging to begin with (yet).

I mean, a high tier double thickness wall that gives you a discount for each square of overlapped stone wall you place it over would be pretty neat.

Alternative ideas could include constructions like a ditch which slows movement and attack speed of raiders standing in it, and a later upgrade which increases the effect. A drawbridge could be the gate equivalent building.

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