Hello guys! Who play Warframe? I starting to play today. It’s very interesting.
Someone can help me with a build? or want to play with me? Thanks!
Hello guys! Who play Warframe? I starting to play today. It’s very interesting.
Someone can help me with a build? or want to play with me? Thanks!
Take my advice: don’t.
Also thanks for reminding me to uninstall it. It’s apparently been taking up valuable space on my computer for a while.
xD! Why? xDDDD
It’ll suck away your life for a week or so, then leave you wondering why you bothered. Then you’ll return a few months later and get sucked in again.
That’s exactly what’s happening to a friend of mine. I’m trying to intervene and get him cured of this shit. I tried to like this game, I really did, but it’s just…weird.
Yeah have to agree with the comments above I was at 383 hours and still very addicted to it. Thank god for me though the latest content patch a few weeks ago changed the game so much I flat out hated it and uninstalled and havent looked back lol.
I tried it once briefly a while back and it looked cool but then I got in game and there was much lags. Killed it for me instantly. That was a while ago so I dunno if that’s changed but too late for you Warframe.
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Idk, i wanna try a mmorpg, but idfk what should play, please tell me a good mmorpg.
I played this to check coop, but can’t find it in my steam history, must’ve been non-steam client.
It was nothing to write home about (cluttered inteface, lags, constant DC, maze like levels - bad first impression), and now it become another ugly F2P with obligatory premium currency, weapons, cosmetic skins and pets and who knows what else. Nothing addicting about that and worthy sticking around, let alone pumping money into it. Another generic run and gun/sword third-person shooter with role playing elements tacked on.
He fix it
291 hours played, won’t bother adding a screenshot
It’s a decent game for your average Joe and a masterpiece for endless grind lovers.
Go to official forums / reddit. Find a guide on getting started without spending real money and you’ll be good to go
I spend real money in CSGO, i don’t wanna spend in this game I play when I am bored. xD
Here’s your guide:
Get Latron, get Rhino. Reach rank 5 or 6 and get the Soma. Use any platinum you start out with on expansion slots. Eventually ween yourself off the Soma and ‘git gud’ with other weapons. Also ween yourself off Rhino ASAP.
I tried it before but didn’t like it. It looked good but was just boring. I’m biased though. I have played too many Mmorpg’s and 99% of them are just about stealing money from you and making changes to make the game worse.
Yep, you are right.
Having originally started Warframe back in late 2013, i really feel it’s taken a slow downhill curve for the worse. Never really could put my finger on why though, it just progressively like it was losing its charm with each new update.
Could have been just me becoming more and more of a twat though, that’s always a possibility…
i would be playing also warframe right now,but since i am not able to login after the big update , i mainly play grim dawn
I have been playing and been a founder since update 7 of the game and i can say that it has progressed a lot. Its not that much of a pay to win cause you can hunt down all the materials needed to progress between planets…
One word tho… Farming, LOTS of farming and great action man.
I stopped like 7-9 months ago and i will go back after a while like Ceno stated.
If you have the urge for a scifi ninja action game…man this is for you loved it to bits
And to add salt to injury (proud Excalibur Prime mainer :p)