Warlock with Blood Rite

I have just found the Blood Orb of Ch’thon.

How strong is a Warlock that utilize PRM -or- AAR + Devastation + this item’s aura??? My setup would include, about damage-boosting passive skills, Solael’s Witchfire, Reckless Power, Fabric of Reality, Blood of Dreeg and some point in IEE, maybe just for the crit bonus.

About items, Agrivix’s Malice and the Clairvoyant Set seems to be good choices. Any other/better options?

I do not want to level one into Ultimate only to end up with an underpowered character, so any advice is welcome.

Check this: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35746

It’s an interesting build, pretty fun to abuse OFF with insane chaos damage.

Thank you for the link.

Another question: it is possible to convert the elemental damage of a skill like PRM to Chaos, and then convert that Chaos damage into Aether, with, let’s say, two Albrecht’s Duality??

Don’t bother with that item, chaos damage is useless. Especially on Warlock, you actually reduce elemental resistance, but not chaos.

No. Conversion happens all at once.

Truly a shame…

in the other hand how the game is supposed to know what damage you want to convert first :rolleyes:

Do not listen to him, the item allows you to combine many different skills that you normally might not. There are plenty of ways to break -chaos resists. Play what you find fun, I have many builds that use Blood Rite and all of them clear the content on Hardcore Ultimate without any trouble (and I don’t even really bother trying to break resists that much)

Please post a video of a build that uses Blood Orb, and I guarantee I will be able to post back a video of the same char type without Blood Orb being faster and safer.

And that, of course, is all that matters.
Grim Dawn is a mandatory competition, and fun is universally measured in clear speed and lack of effort required.

I have no idea how much effort is required to make the Blood Orb work, or how it fares in comparison to other options, but whether it’s worth using or not is up to the individual players to decide, not for you to proclaim in rather condescending fashion.

The OP did say that he didnt want an underpowered character

Generalcash, please stop being rude.

He may be rude but in this case he’s right. Today i tried to make a warlock using blood rite, using a pre-made lvl85 char, just to see how things really are.

My idea was to build around a skill that deal aether + any elemental damage, like CT, AAR and PRM and then convert the elemental portion in chaos, so to have a spam that is 50% aether and 50% chaos.

Problem 1) The devotions are almost simmetricals. Also all devotions that buff aether/chaos at the same time buff an elemental damage type. Whit BR you cannot put in use those bonuses.

Problem 2) CoF debuff elemental, but not chaos. So you are crippling your char for no real reason.

Problem 3) You have to compromise your gear setup too much to take advantage of both damage types. And Warlocks already are a bit too frail in my opinion.

So i stashed the item for now. Maybe a conjurer, sorceror or pyromancer can make a better use of the Blood rite skills.

Where did I say that using Blood Orb makes a build the fastest clearing build. No one cares that you can kill fabius in 10 seconds. Personally builds that strong bore me to death. Blood Rite allows me to combine skills that I like, that I normally wouldn’t because they Lack synergy.

Case in point I love Sigil of Consumption and TSS and because of Blood Rite I was able to play this build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp_zFYbeZUI is it the greatest build ever made? Of Course not, but I had fun Playing it. (I eventually got rid of Blood of Dreeg as it was impossible to die with it)

Ffs, you still don’t get it. Nobody expects every build to kill Fabius in 10 sec. Nothing wrong with playing a build that is fun, even if it’s slower than top tier builds. However, building around an item that actually makes any build objectively worse when used is just stupid. When you tell someone who is asking for advice to not listen to good advice because you have a bias towards gimping your characters, you are being a dick.

OFF with insane fire damage is more interesting. Get one or two Warpfire, boost OFF to 22/12 and you have the most deadly self boosted trash killer in the game.

OFF with insane fire damage is more interesting

May I ask why you say this?? Cold should not be more difficult to buff/debuff than fire, the skill has CD and the associated Exclusive Skill, Star Pact, also give you CD reduction… I’m missing something? Unless the -Fire resistance on the skill itself apply on your first attack. I always assumed that those things kick in after the attack is done.

In OFF’s case at least, the debuff is active as long as the mobs are frozen. Meaning they will suffer the -fire res for every damage tick.

How is a TSS/Sigil build better not using Blood Rite. You use Blood Rite to synergies skills that dont actually have synergy to begin with. You telling someone that they shouldn’t use Blood Rite because chaos damage sucks is stupid advice. I just told Him not to listen to you, because their is zero actual reasons not to use Blood Rite if he wants to use skills that don’t synergize together.
Now yes using Blood Rite in a CT/AAR build would be kind of pointless, but their are other builds where it is very useful to use.

Can you please elaborate which builds are “top tier” and why?