Was Bysmiel's Domination nerfed?

According to Graceful Dusk, Bysmiel’s Domination has the following pet bonuses:
+45% total damage
+15% offensive ability
+10% crit damage

Yesterday I finally managed to craft my own relic, but it only had:
+36% total damage
+12% offensive ability
+8% crit damage

At first I thought these stats were partially randomized, and that I had just been very unlucky and got below-average rolls on all of them. Out of curiousity, I loaded up GD stash and used it to craft a few more. They all had the exact same pet bonuses that I got (the other stats, like the +physique and +spirit did vary, though). I also tried using GD stash to give myself the crafting mats (instead of crafting directly from the software) and tried to craft a few dozen more relics on various characters (I thought maybe my main had a weird seed thing going on) and, again, all of them had the pet bonuses listed above. I made about 30 of these relics in all so all of them having the exact same pet bonus is a statistical near-impossibility if the bonuses vary at all.

So what is it? Was the relic nerfed, or is there something wrong with my game that’s causing me to craft it with below-par bonuses? If anyone who has the relic can chime in I would be thankful.

There is always some variation in the stats, either higher or, as in your case, lower. The listed values in the crafting window are averages. I’m not sure how big the variation can be, perhaps someone else can chime in on that.

Like I said, I made over 30 in total. Getting the same value every time is a statistical near-impossibility.

Let’s assume that each stat can vary by +/- 5. A window of 10 points. There are three different stats. So the odds of getting the same stats n times in a row is 1/(101010)^(n-1).

For 30 relics crafted, that’s 10^-87, or one in a billion-billion-billion-and-so-on. Natural variance doesn’t answer my question, unfortunately.

Every time you craft a relic, there should be some slight variation in stats. Your first relic is most likely a bad roll below the average stat line, but your proceeding ones are same stats due to some seed bug I assume, since, like you said, there is realistically no possibility of getting the same stats for 30 times. The relic wasn’t nerfed either, since there was no such thing in patch notes.

I think the variation is more in the range of 20% up or down (but don’t quote me on that).

However, after having looked at your math, there has to be something wrong with your game. I certainly have never had the exact same stats on anything I crafted.

The only thing I can think of is using the modding tools to look in the database and look up if those pet stats are always the same. If they are supposed to be it should be somewhere in the files.

Are the non pet stats changing though? It’s possible the pet bonuses are just locked. If the your chaos damage % or w/e the hell else is on is changing then I doubt it is intended.

I would guess when you craft with GD stash you just get the same item everytime

Thanks for the replies everyone.
@TomoDaK, as I stated in the OP the other stats do indeed change from craft to craft, which is why I don’t think it’s a seed bug like Elementoid suggested.
It is entirely possible that the pet bonuses are locked. That’s why I asked in the OP; if they are locked, then why are they lower than what Graceful Dusk says that they should be? Maybe they used to be at those values and the relic was nerfed?

That’s why I’m really hopeful that someone who’s crafted the relic besides me will post the pet bonus stats on his relic. If they’re exactly the same as mine, we can assume that they are locked at this (lower-than-it-should-be) value. If they aren’t, I guess I’ll file a bug report.

EDIT: Looking at Avyctes’ post, I just realized that all of the pet bonuses are exactly 20% lower than the nominal values. Which would mean that if this were due to natural variance, it would literally be the worst roll possible. Intriguing.

Ahh I misread

As I recall this relic was nerfed a long long time ago. It’s possible that gracefuldusk just wasn’t updated