What books are you reading?

I have begun to read the Bartimaeus Sequence again. It’s a story about a djinni and his young summoner in an alternate London. The adolescent magician is the spice here, as he develops IIRC into quite a presumptuous and condescending character.

Trying to finish Debunking Economics. The math makes my head hurt and I’m suspicious of political bias coloring the author’s writings.

The first book (Amulet of Samarkand) is free for prime members on Amazon (kindle edition) - just downloaded it, and will have to check it out!

Lucky you :slight_smile:

lawl, another victim has fallen to my rapacious hunger (and helped by insomnia) for books.

The victim: https://www.amazon.com/Places-Darkness-Chris-Brookmyre-ebook/dp/B06Y16K2QV/

To put it bluntly - fcking brilliant read. Starts off as a sort of police procedural involving the first murder in mankind’s first city in space with the protags being the new world government boss in charge of oversight for the city’s corporate police force, Alice, and it’s most corrupt cop, the infamous Nikki “Fixx”. With each having alternating chapters. Oh and there’s a nice disturbing thread involving the neuroscience of free-will and the implications of technology that allows for the editing of memories. Along with a fckton of corruption and why it’s there along with a murderer that seems inhumanly lethal.

Also, it’s a lot more approachable that Neuropath (it’s not a thriller, it’s a f*cking horror novel) or the dense and diamond hard sci-fi of Peter Watts’ Blindsight and Echopraxia novels.


Now eaten:

Noumenon by Marina J Lostetter. Sadly pretty bland semi-bog standard sci-fi. Could have gone the Alastair Reynolds route with certain elements but instead ends up doing not much with the big stuff introduced.

City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett. F*cking awesome, couldn’t stop reading it and so ended up not getting to sleep until 4am in the morning -_- Currently on the second book in the series, City of Blades and finding it just as awesome.

Been reading Ward, which is a sequel to Worm. It’s pretty awesome.


I’ll admit it, I have a problem. Namely, if I get hooked on a good book I wont stop reading it until I can’t keep my eyes open. Which is how I chewed through the other two books that followed on from City of Stairs yesterday and this morning. About 600 pages in the space of 10 hrs.

Me want to sleep at some point…

At least though I can confirm that the Divine Cities trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett is on my list of stuff I will avidly re-read and very definitely deserves every high rating review all three books got.

Currently, I am reading All the birds in the sky by Charlie Jane Anders. It’s a very interesting book for now! :wink:

Clara Morgan and the seven dwarf , Grimmiixx 's tales XD

I eat books like I eat chocolate - currently eaten:

Autonomous: A Novel by Annalee Newitz - damn good bit of sci-fi that combines multiple themes concerning patent bullshit/injustice, biotech-punk and implications of human like AI and how it interacts with humans + Ai and human slavery, along with a slightly non-gloomy take on climate change.

Provenance by Ann Leckie - eh, not as good as the Ancillary trilogy she did, but it does show more of the world she’s built. A bit too slow for my tastes.

Persepolis Rising by James S.A. Corey - another excellent read from them that skips 3 decades of time to great effect and finally fires off the Chekhov’s Gun thread started in Nemesis Games concerning the missing Martian Navy crews and ships. The ending’s a downer, but sets up the plot lines of the next book nicely. Which I wont spawn this time :stuck_out_tongue:

Currently reading:

Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - not my usual fare, but heard good things and so far it hasn’t turned me off.

Ya’ll are slow readers :stuck_out_tongue:


  • The Briefing by Allen Stroud - short fiction set in the Phoenix Point Universe. Got the second entry now, just need to read it. Counts despite skipping most entries because I re-read them on the web last month :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - not your usual urban fantasy vampire novel, mainly because it’s a) not erotica heavy and b) actually goes above ans beyond the call of duty vis writing.

  • Necrotech (SINless 2) by K C Alexander - continuing on from the events of the last book, Nanoshock, this one opens with Riko fisting a nun (christian, but from a cult that really loves sex and syphilis, but is also very patriarchal) and continues with the often violent fun ride from there. Blistering pace makes it an easy read, though Riko doesn’t get much in the way of resolution, poor badarse just can’t catch a break. That and certain plot point is still unresolved, though suspect the 3rd book will address it given the ending sentence.

Next up:

Yes, I am a slow reader. I read about 20 to 40 pages an hour (German books use a more spacious layout than English ones), whereas others read twice as fast. And usually I limit myself to read while I commute.

I just finished the Bartimaeus Sequence, which I started about six weeks ago. Although I had read it before, it was like reading it for the first time, because I had forgotten almost everything. I was so thrilled by the story that I broke with my commute-only rule. Otherwise it would have taken me until February or so.

The third part reminded me partly of the Aetherials’ story in GD. This is one of the best stuff I have ever read. Next up will be the fourth book, which goes into Bartimaeus’s past. I hope it can keep up with original trilogy.

I am not reading it, but…i am currently listening to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I have listened to the other 6 and love them so far.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Haven’t finished it yet, but it is a really nice one!

Gobbled down:

Empire Games by Charles Stross - reread to prepare for the sequel which was;

Dark State By Charles Stross - devoured basically in one sitting, pretty late into the night. At it’s core, it’s a near future spy thriller crossed with parallel universe sci-fi, and the story threads launched in Empire Games are starting to bear dread fruit, while a princess seeks to escape an arranged, imperial marriage by defecting to the revolutionary commonwealth that rose up against her family as a new thread. All set on a backdrop of the threat of cross-universe nuclear war as the USA and the Commonwealth warily start to try and talk, all in the face of the death of the First Man of the Commonwealth (and leader of the revolution), Adam Burroughs, and the succession crisis that will follow as the the Commonwealth’s politics are put to the test while the USA is definitely interfering in it vis the end chapter. Oh and of course, the Chekov’s Gun set in the first book concerning a certain earth mass black hole is fired to ominous effect, with some very disturbing implications.

All and all, a bloody good read the the threads that go through to the sequel, Invisible Sun, look like a lot of “fun” to see to their ends, middles and twists.

at the moment I’m reading the final pages of Iain M. Banks - the player of games


I have begun to re-read His Dark Materials. A story about two kids from different universes. I just discovered, that the author continues the story in a new trilogy.

The last book I read was Insomnia of Stephen King. Creepy as usual, but I loved it. Also like the Running Man (book).

Currently re-reading Karl Popper’s Conjectures and Refutations. Not making much progress though… cheers Grim Dawn.