What does cold spellbreaker need to be on par with infiltrator?

Ugh this is more of a buff spellbreaker thread because Dervish can do on par of infiltrator so can pet build. Spellbreakers are left behind because shit RR and shit survivbility. Is it so hard to reverse the mirror nerf or god forbid actually make some good spellbreaker items?

For example why the hell is Mage hunter set the amulet is +1 infiltrator AND RR on top of it while spellbreakers kind of stuck with myth night’s embrace that has a CD thats clunky to use? :S.

Also i cant imagine adding RR to starpact would actually break anything considering Trozans are also struggling and Shaman + Inquis is also better than Arcanist + Shaman. Because you know, RR, damage reduction, a shotgun rune…Deadly aim free OA + crit…May be some items could be more tailored towards spellbreakers and adding additional RR to Arcanist skills like they’ve done for Occultist’s lack of chaos or aether RR.

What i am asking really is some thing to boost the benchline for arcanist for cold builds or caster builds in general. It kind of still falling behind because no RR. Not to mention it is still paper.

yeah something needs to happen with arcanist to improve its RR capacity, mainly so that classes like battlemage wont suck anymore.

Yeah pretty much everything with Arcanist suckass because no RR lmao.

You were right, that fantasy Trickster of yours is indeed faster then DM Infiltrator. Comparable damage (Trickster got bit more) but damn Infiltrator is much less streamlined with all those damn extra buttons to press.

Managed 5:25 run with it, which is very fast for my PC.


It’s unrealistic build,but really packs the punch.Your time is basically the same as mine,actually yours is better,considering build lose some RR from Night Embrace and Ultos changes,but big points in Night chill and stackable -20% from Chillstrifes modes is huge.

Also, you got very familiar approach to devotion map there :wink:

I wanted to try full Korba after that but then started assembling it in GT with just green pants and got tilted at how bad those stupid Korba axes are and how build basically lacks every damn stat and skill points and just angrily closed grimtools.

But hey, at least they kept that THEMATICAL Bleeding damage on it, right.

I need to patent the devotions route,never had been used :smiley:

You need to build Cold/Bleed hybrid :man_facepalming: .But Chillstrifes or even Malkadar will be lot better than set waepons.

Oh, I am waiting for the people who defended Bleeding in Korba so vehemently because it’s THEMATICAL to post some cool Korba Bleeding builds. But somehow they all disappeared and only Korba Tricksters that are posted are the ones with impossible green items of gdstashing and those are all Cold ones.

Yup,I was joking.I remember and support the Korba set change.

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i found exactly the same thing when i built my korba trickster. it need a heap of greens to get resists and stats right without losing damage. ended up crafting greens belts, boots, gloves and farming for green pants lol. Not only that but bleed bonuses are useless because they don’t mesh with cold at all, and hybrid specs is bad too. The set needs some serious love.