What happened to the ARPG genre?

If the worst case scenario of 10 months of no updates means GD is a shambles, you’re going to be very disappointed with…a lot of things in life. :stuck_out_tongue:

Frankly I’m just tired of how online-focused the genre is. Give me a good single-player game any day. Y’know, one with well-balanced drop rates and no bloody microtransactions.

Still, it’s probably for the best I think most other current ARPGs look kinda crap, lord knows I don’t need another billion-hour addiction. :eek:

Is it bad? I thougt we have perfectly playable and pretty balanced game that doesn’t need patches every month.

We know there’ll be another patch before FG and with the way Zantai’s been teasing it in the recent GM topic, it’s going to be significant and is coming relatively soon.

Besides that though, the games been in a really good state for quite a long time now.

Didn’t know about the patch. Cant wait!

Any more detailed info about patch?


they did that with D3 already (I don’t care that it sold a lot of copies, that was not on the strength of D3 but of the Diablo name), nothing really has changed since, DI is just consequently following the path set by D3

Lost Ark turned out to be another Korean MMO, have to wait for a Western version if you want to play anyway.

did anyone ever realistically expect anything else…

Last Epoch has a ridiculous entry fee, I got into the Grim Dawn beta for 15 dollars, they ask for 35.

not ready for prime time yet anyway, I can wait before I throw money at it :wink:

Wolcen is a mess that more and more looks like a cashgrab that will never be finished.

indeed, I was skeptical going by their KS already, but things are definitely out of control with that one

Titan Quest: Ragnarok was made by a different company which did a sub-par job.

it couldn’t very well be the original team… that we got this one at all is a huge surprise, even if it is of lower quality than TQ:IT itself

Grim Dawn itself is going to be on a hiatus for what looks like a whole year.

after balance patches and bug fixes, a game is eventually finished, no surprise there… Also a new expansion is a few months away

Path of Exile devs must be having a great time right now.

the only thing here that is possibly sufficiently important for them to matter is that no D4 was announced, and even then that would not have an immediate impact because D4 probably would still be at least about a year away. All the others you mentioned are basically business as usual.

Overall, how is that different from the state of ARPGs in the past ? To me we have more of them than ever before, with mixed quality (which was always the case), so not exactly the worst of times for fans of the genre…

Their downfall started with D3 imo. On a side note consider checking out Reign of Terror mod by Ram. It’s a DII remake in GD.

Maybe I must’ve been misinformed about this wasn’t it always intended to be one?
Looking at it I’d have preferred it to be a offline single player game but it’s not and I don’t think it was ever intended to be one so I am okay with it.

They have a cool concept and I hope it turns out to be good. As for the money, iirc base GD is pretty underpriced cause medierra had only planned on a single act originally.

Yeah I posted on the Wolcen thread here inquiring about its status and it doesn’t look too promising. At this point I don’t think even the developers are aware as to what they’re trying to make here.

I am planning to play it when I get some time.


I know they got taken over not too long ago but have they changed anything for the worse?

Same here mate.

Online requirement is good for ARPGs, otherwise there is no real sense of accomplishment(other than self imposed challenges I guess). You can get any item in the game you want by using a save edit, cant do that with an online game so everybody is in a similar situation.

Also trading is much easier in an online game so the lower drop rates aren’t that bad.

All I’m reading is that you get a sense of pride and accomplishment from other people’s hard work.

It’s a matter of how you like to play. I’m quite happy with self imposed single play challenges and don’t think I’d gain anything from playing online myself. Don’t trade either since I use GDStash. I enjoy doing things that way and since it’s single player how I play is up to me alone.

Not going to lie, I love seeing how others struggle while I am doing fine. All this time you put towards acquiring game knowledge gotta pay off.

I really don’t care about these supposed accomplishments. Spending a thousand hours on a game is no accomplishment, whether it is SP or MP.

I avoid pretty much all MP games and would celebrate if they died out tomorrow.

If you like them, I have no problem with that, but don’t claim they are good for the genre, the genre works just as well in SP. What is good for the genre are quality releases, whether SP or MP (will attract different players).

This applies to literally every single player game in its existence. Just because you can cheat it doesn’t rob any achievement from people that do it the dev intended way.

Honestly, your mentality is kind of baffling to have. And what makes even weirder is the fact people cheat on online games. Being online doesn’t protect the game from being cheated and tampered with.

And i’m with Mamba, online requirement is absolutely terrible for ARPGs. The main reason being if the server is down, you can’t play.

Weird…sounds like it should the other way round, people requiring online-only because they struggle to self-limit themselves, while people with self-control use file editing and modding just fine. That being said, I would not rejoice seeing other struggle, doesn’t feel…right, you know. :frowning:

As for trading, in my experience, it’s damn easy to make successful trades in Grim Dawn, the community is really nice and helpful, and the prices are quite cheap.

All in all, the A-RPG market is in great shape, with multiple big names that cover a wide array of taste (and I’ll defend Diablo 3 for the smoothness and fluidity of its gameplay anytime…while being very critical about its itemization and how it actually reduces build-diversity instead of expanding it as it should), and other lesser titles that all have their own identity.

It’s not about having a lot of games that YOU or I enjoy, but about having several games from which pick from. If you can’t find one A-RPG (and let’s be frank, we only really need one when these games are renowned for their incredible longevity) that is more to your liking in the current array available, then you’re quite the picky one, imho.

Just because you use save editors doesn’t mean I shouldn’t feel accomplishment for killing a particularly tough enemy or getting super rare loot in a game I didn’t use save edit.

Trying to figure out what you’re getting at here… are you saying you like playing online to witness noobs struggle? I can’t see any other scenario where this statement makes sense. And then that just leaves one wondering at your age. Early 20’s and below, yeah maybe someone might take some satisfaction in that but you start getting older and if this kinda crap gets yer rocks off then I begin thinking that maybe you got deeper problems. Time to leave the kiddie realm behind.

I think you misunderstand. I’ve beaten this game already without any edited gear but there is no reason to keep going because there is nobody to compare myself to. Besides, the endgame here has been lacking and this is what the expansion is remedying.

The whole point of SP games is that you aren’t in any competition with anyone else, the concept is that you enjoy playing the game for yourself.

If you’re only interested in how well you’re doing against other players and cannot continue to play without this need to compare yourself to other players then I really think you have got completely the wrong game here and should go and find an MMO or other such always online game…Grim Dawn has never been designed for anything other than SP with MP added just for fun.

I talk about longevity here. I’ve played and like plenty of single player games but they are not the ones which persist throughout the years. Even something like Witcher 3 eventually fades away after an year.

Multiplayer is the future. And there is nothing wrong with being competitive and enjoying the challenge other people can give you.