What build did you finally have your “ohhhh yeeeeahhhh!” moment and just take off with?
Perfect? That’s open to interpretation. If you mean an effective build with high kill speed, I’d rather not reveal it to avoid the nerf-stick.
Fun-wise, I like PRM and played Elemental PRM a lot. It tapered off a lot in Ultimate, but it’s still nice to watch those projectiles fly everywhere.
Depends on the patch:D
A long time ago I had a really fun Cadence Battlemage build that wasn’t fantastic but was good in its own right. In subsequent patches I haven’t ever quite emulated the level of fun I had with it, but it sadly no longer works too well. #RIPLifegiverSignets
Even further back I had the first version of my ‘Maelstrom’ build which I’m mildly well-known for. That’s fun too and I plan to remake it for the xpac.
Nowadays, the most fun I get is with my Critjacks build, but it doesn’t nearly meet the fun I had with those old legends.
Lifegiver Signet with Attack Speed and OA? Damn, i wish i could have used them with those stats.
Earthsplitter actually had cast speed instead of attack speed? Why did they changed it?
Grasp of Unchained Might had crit damage, neat.
Oblivion had flat 30+ flat resist reduction.
Okay, i went off on a tangent. My favourite builds so far are Transmuted BWC Burn Sorcerer, DEE Witchblade and Vitality Conjurer.
Perfect build? In the world there is nothing perfect, there is only a desire for it.
Most pleasure to play: Nex&Ortus sabo, poison-pet, vitality crusher, non-attacking breaker
love all of the builds in my profile, but my fave ones will be stun jack elem, DEE witchhunter, prm aether and fw commando!
they are perfect, at least to me !
At my insistence (I assume). It didn’t make sense for a 1H Forcewave weapon to have Cast Speed, since Tremor requires 2H and is the only way to make Cast Speed matter anyways.
Coldbreaker (Before it was cool), DEE WH, Acid WH
They could have put OA or something else instead. Attack speed doesn’t make much sense either.
I suppose the most “perfect” build I have would have to be my very first character, a dual wielding pistols Pyromancer. I got pretty lucky with a pair of Deviltongues fairly early on, and being a ranged character meant I got to avoid a lot of what were at the time unbalanced and overpowered attacks. :rolleyes: Didn’t have too much trouble with any of the content either (except Ultimate Log, because obviously) since the build was fairly well supported with items and skills, and a lot of my best MIs have made their way to him despite also having a ton of other characters by now. He’s one of only a few characters I bothered to gear up for Gladiator Crucible as well, and he was a pretty effective farmer in the end. I don’t think things could have gone much more smoothly, to be honest.
More sense than cast speed though, at least. :rolleyes:
Cast speed would have been cool if there were more spammable physical damage ‘spells’, but alas. It’d be fun to launch rocks at people or something.
Of course attack speed makes sense. Forcewave has a cooldown and if you use Blade Arc, Savagery, Firestrike or Cadence imbetween cooldowns you will want attack speed.
To answer the ? When they first changed Amber component from Lightning Strike 2 to Greater Lightning Nova was the funnest patch. Made 5 different Lightning Nova builds, then they decided to nerf Lightning Nova before they even released Elite Difficulty
Still love the skill but it was much more fun when they first released it.
My “raining hell” build lots of meteors :D:D
I did the meteor man build too. Very good times had with that build I still keep him around for some runs occasionally, hoping he gets some love in expansion somehow
Super glassy old school pure cunning deathmarked blademaster back in the original much tougher ultimate difficulty. That shit was fun as hell and while you did tons of damage you would died in an instant if you fucked up your pneumatic timings.
So far it has been my witch hunter with the massive AoE from abom proc and the witchblaze proc from voidsteel gauntlets. Either everything dies or they walk around confused until they are eaten to death by DoTs.
The build I had the most fun with through normal but didn’t end up viable for the last two difficulties was my pure occultist using bloody pox as his kill spell and a bunch of proc on attack effects that were mostly doom bolts and more bloody pox. It made me laugh out loud a lot but the damage drop off on that ability is too severe for it to be viable in higher difficulties with bloody pox as a primary damage spell.
One the my builds that I find the most fun is my chaos strike warlock. I didn’t create a character with the intention of making the build I ended up with, it just sort of happened after realising that what I orginally planned would probably better serve and occultist/inquisitor combo.
Anyway it’s a super high mobility burst damage kind of thing. It’s no where near my best builds overall but it combines a lot of elements you don’t see a whole lot of (or at least I don’t use a lot) like focusing on component skills, one handed melee + caster of hand, chaos damage etc.
Also with the exception of the boots, super stylish build.