i know skeleton’s have tons of resists and immunites by default. i was wondering if other enemie types are similar? is there a list out there of what is immune to what? if it’s only a select few enemie types, is there a story based resson for it?
skeletons/ghosts can’t bleed so “naturally” they’d have 100 bleed res
i think that’s basically it looking around
outright immunity (500 res) i think got removed so now everything peaks at like 100ish so RR can shred it
Mossi ice crystals and Zaria crystals etc type used to have 500 cold res and 500 vit res respectively, which idono, thematic?“obviously can’t cold bonk a pure ice shard”?
Aetherial wisps used to have 500 aether res
there is the unique Rotting Emberguards? that’s also 100% fire res (can be a bother as they spawn in Burrwitch village rift wave checkpoint early game if pure fire build somehow),
funnily enough Cold ones don’t have 100 cold res
aside from that it’s mostly humanoids with WYSIWYG rng spawn items boosting res that can cause immunity, i don’t think there is that many base/default enemies with 100 XY res outside celestial or the off nemesis now?
thanks. i’ve been curious about doing a blood themed build and gave up on it from my experiences with skeletons. knowing they’re only 100% resistance gives me hope again
ye no worries there, you can res shred them enough, it’s just “annoying” basic enemies/bosses get a dmg reduct equal to basically a superboss/special Nemesis
but you can still bleed Alkamos etc’s 109res as long as you’re a res shred class
*edit, bleed res shred class because otherwise you might not have RR by the time meeting them in twin falls/Arkovia