Where to find Deviltongue pistol?

Hey guys as the title says… i really want to find this pistol as this really suites my build, i cant find any clue in web or wiki where is the location of this seeing other people having two of this. And is there really a specific location or mob for these drops? Thanks for the responders!

In Grim Dawn, almost no items have a set place to farm them. Your best chance is just killing heroes, bosses, or opening treasure troves. You just have to get lucky

are treasure troves random at place? those are treasures with locks right?

Hey my name is Weaponsprime01 on steam and I have one… it just dropped and I don’t have a demo… it actually dropped from a crate/treasure chest.

Got my second farming cronley for rep in elite.

Actually farming Cronley’s is not a bad idea.
Epics and Legendaries are WYSIWYG, it means that gunslinger human bosses can sometimes spawn with a crazy gun, and you will have a slightly better chance to get Deviltongue from them :D. Anyway just keep farming, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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