Where's da phat lewtz?

Ah, new game. New corpses to rescue, new damsels to plunder.

The Titan Quest connection was actually a reason to stay away from GD because I found TQ extremely bland and boring. (balancing and gameplay)
After a talk with some Arthur dude I’m now far more enthusiastic about GD because he effectively agreed with all the points I raised and more or less with how things should work instead.
In hindsight, that’s probably too good to be true. Maybe he used his dark sith powers to read my mind and tell me what I wanted to hear.

Me, I’m a gamer since the dark 8 bit ages.
Choplifter, Archon, all the Bullfrog games, just about all RPG, and countless others. You name it, I probably played it.

Caught the MMO bug sometime '99 and played Everquest fur umm… a decade?
Top end raid guild, the works.
Eventually played up to 5 characters at once - without makro software. Never more than 2 on serious raids, though. (gotta concentrate, yaknow)
Consistently got up at 1am to join the US guild’s 6-days-a-week raids, off to work at 7am.
In other words, this close to being a complete basket case.

I got better.

Incidentially, Gazz is the perpetually grumpy troll shaman I played. (easy to be grumpy when everyone keeps bugging you for buffs)
It stuck. The name, that is.

With work and life in general eating up my quality gaming time, I’m now a casual gamer looking for entertainment - not to beat some insane pixel monster or other. I did the latter quite successfully for many years with an entire guild of hardcore nutcases.

archon… good times. picturing those massive pixels to be a phoenix or something. we all had good imaginations back then.

The basilisk rocked!

Welcome on the forum’s I myself have a long gaming history also, but less then you’rs. Probably a couple of years younger also. ^^

we all had our period of over the top gaming. I’m sort of a casual gamer also nowadays, have only some time left to play on my day offs and on holidays. But on the other hand you enjoy those few moments even more. (at least if you are lucky to find a quality game ^^)

been gaming myself for a long time, and yes I remember choplifter and all of the bullfrog games, before evil EA closed them down

but anyway, glad you stopped by, and I think GD will be miles better then TQ, so it will be a far better game

so who’s that arthur guy you spoke with? you recon he’s something to do with crate/grim dawn? :wink:

erm… welcome… :smiley:

Yeh, supposedly some sort of “lead designer”. As if these were real people that deigned to speak to mere mortals! Ridiculous!

Yeh yeh, I know. I’m sort of a mixed blessing.

I still have the obsessive compulsive thing going once in a while. Some time ago I was scripting/modding X3 like a fiend but I ahh… got better.
This kind of restarted when I was involved in the scripting / balancing of the Albion Prelude expansion but thankfully, a commercial product has a release date upon which development pretty much stops. =P
Still, I’m happy I was able to give players quite a few inconvenient surprises when new parts of the AI worked and enemies actually started kicking unsuspecting player butt. The nerve!

So welcome blessed mixture.

Oh, so I’m like chop suey?

Fair warning: That bottle of Mount Gay Extra Old just turned empty and I notice an inexplicable increase in spelling errors. =)

Louder! I have a banana in my ear.

That is all thou need knowest.

Note that if you dilute this fine beverage with coke, you’re going to burn in hell.
Water is permitted.

hah! worth a thousand words…

i’m going to avoid promoting anyone else into alkyness here… but it can’t hurt to allow that when picking my poison, some glenlivet or chivas will do the trick.

rum’s a lil too gangster for my beak. so’s the henny my buddies like to imbibe by the barrel.

but agreed on the mix… neat’s the only way.