Why can't Ulzuin's Chosen be like all other level 50 conversion skills?

Just saw the changes to Ulzuin’s chosen skill in patch It is still bad.

And I just can’t wrap my head around this. Reckless power: similiar skill, applies to everything. Star pact, same. Stormcaller’s pact, same. Oleron’s Rage, same. Possesion, effing same (possesion and Oleron’s rage don’t have conversion, but still very strong level 50 skills that apply to everything)

Ulzuin’s Chosen, affects only Grenado, Cannister bomb, Stun Jacks. Similiar level 50 high-end skill. Similiar principle (relevant damage + conversion + some goodies). WHY? Why can’t I have that extra sweet conversion while using Fire Strike? Why can’t I have this conversion when I am using Callidor’s Tempest? What is the reason behind all this, really?

Well, for starters, Ulzuin’s Chosen isn’t an Exclusive skill.

Really, that is the reason? So maybe, just maybe, MAKE IT EXCLUSIVE? Because if I am going freaking Fire route, what other Exclusive skill I might ever need? Jeez

They could do, but they might also consider changing some of it’s stats as well. As it is now, i’de say it’s designed heavily around the 3 skills it supports with the CDR and skill energy reduction.

Edit: Also, there are other Exclusive skills that a Fire Striker would use instead. Possession for Chaos, Stormcaller’s Pact for Lightning, even Oleron’s Rage for the OA/Speed and some Trauma converted to Burn or Menhir’s Bulwark to convert flat Physical to Fire could work too. Fire casters can use Reckless Power.

I think it being unique is nice. Ulzuin’s Chosen supports Grenado and CD Jacks both are great end game.

Making it into another lame exclusive skill isn’t needed imo. A bunch of Grenado Casters use Star Pact so they’ll be fucked if Chosen got turned into Exclusive

What if we split it into 3 separate modifiers and put them in line with Stun Jacks, Grenado and Canister Bomb?

Why should every class be identical for the skills ??

You sound like M. Night Shyamalan trying to make his first game :rolleyes:

Really happy Ulzuin’s Chosen doesn’t get turned into an aura

I’d rather just have a new transmuter on Flame Touched with physical to fire conversion (like Consecrated Blade) than Ulzuin’s Chosen changed or a new exclusive skill added.

+21 to this idea

Would they have to have it apply to the aura user only though? Flame Touched does have a radius to it and giving your allies or pets 15% fire conversion ontop of the fire damage and OA is pretty damn strong.

Right, completely forgot about the AoE. If it were ever added, such a transmuter should only apply to the caster, or at least leave out other players. Not sure your friendly neighbourhood pierce BM or physical WB would appreciate such a buff :rolleyes:

edit: or just add it to Vindicative Flame.

I never used those skills so I don’t have expertise here (not sure if you are even serious or trolling).

My main concern is that there is no skill that does physical to fire conversion. If I am going Reckless Power on my Sorcerer most of its perks are lost on my gunslinger, I don’t need phys to aether conversion and don’t really care about casting speed or aether damage.

If you don’t want to make Ulzuin’s Chosen as strong as Star Pact or Stormcaller’s pact (for some reason), make it work with all Demo skills or at least with Fire Strike.

For weapon damage skills such as Fire Strike, conversion is simply put just damage. You can achieve the same thing by adding a source of fire damage from elsewhere instead of changing a part of your weapon to it. Examples are Flame Touched, Enchanted Flints, and (Potent) Solar Radiance.

Abilities without weapon damage don’t have that luxury. You need conversion in some form to turn the Physical Damage from Grenado to Fire or the Internal Trauma on Canister Bomb’s modifier into Burn Damage. Otherwise, they only have ability ranks and % bonuses as their only means of increasing damage (unless i’m missing something).

That is why Ulzuin’s Chosen has conversion. Casters who want to use those skills have less opportunities or ways to improve their damage than weapon damage users. The next bit is just a theory on my part but if you remove the restriction on Ulzuin’s Chosen, you start to tip things more towards weapon users, even if it’s just a little.

If that’s the case than whole fire strike line is lacking support from level 50 skills. Cold/lightning/aether/chaos/poison/vitality weapon attack skills all have strong support from level 50 skills, Fire Strike has very mediocre support from Reckless Power (not sure if 15% to aether conversion does not do harm to fire strike based character).

I guess Inquisitor’s mastery might be the solution.

Regardless of whether Fire Strike has exactly the same identical, duplicate, copy/paste skill to attach as some other skills or not… DOES this mean it’s lacking in effectiveness…as no-one else has complained about how it performs yet.

The only thing I see here is you wanting every mastery to be identical and boring…WHY???

Please show how Fire Strike is such an underperforming skill and this isn’t just a want for the sake of it ?

We surely dont need more exclusive skills =)

You can argue against making Ulzuin’s Chosen exclusive or an aura but don’t overreact and say the OP wants everything to be identical. The other classes level 50 skills aren’t identical by any means, the OP is simply looking for a level 50 skill that better applies to the mastery versus just 3 relatively unpopular skills within it and also has zero synergy with other masteries. To me Chosen looks like a 3rd modifier on the Flame Touched line thematically, seems odd to me that it currently ignores 5 skill lines within the tree including the two largest and most popular ones.

Surely? Hate on Exclusive’s all you want but its skills like Ulzuin’s that make the Demo tree a somewhat clunky mess of skills that doesn’t synergize well with other masteries (or even within the same one). Exclusive’s allow for that synergy without the broken’ess of some stacking combinations.

Surely? Hate on Exclusive’s all you want but its skills like Ulzuin’s that make the Demo tree a somewhat clunky mess of skills that doesn’t synergize well with other masteries (or even within the same one). Exclusive’s allow for that synergy without the broken’ess of some stacking combinations.

Id rather remove skill restriction on this passive and remove %CDR chanse. Reduce CDR on SJ,Grenade and CB to compensate. The only usefull state on this passive is %energy cost reduction. Flat %increse dmg give most build nothing casue 100% over 1600% is rather minuscule.And phyz to fire conversion should be moved to Flame touched transmuter, where it make sense.

Another +1. Make it apply to user only.

I do like the current Ulzuin’s Chosen, it is unique and not just another “exclusive skill with 15% conversion”.

On a side note, does anyone else find Consecrated Blade a tad expensive? 5% conversion per skill point. There should be one for Vitality as well.