Why do dual wield WPS cap at 20% chance?

i believe chilling shot fires 4 times for dual wield

There are a couple things at play here.

  1. Chilling Rounds has a primary shot, and a DoT. Those show up as 2 different numbers.

  2. Chances are, you have devotions, and other DoTs from gear you wear.

  3. You clearly fired from both weapons, which there is always a chance to do.

If you strip down to only wield a single weapon that has no DoT, and no form of DoT applied to your weapon from skills or devotions, you’ll see 2 numbers only. The primary shot, and the DoT it also applies. If you wield 2 weapons in the same manner you’ll have a chance, some of the time, to see up to 4 numbers. One for each weapon, if they happen to fire at the same time, which they don’t much of the time, as well as the DoT’s they apply.

I have no idea what you’re referring to.

Chilling Rounds fires once from each weapon and then once from both at the same time. That’s the triple burst. Why are you bringing up DoTs and Devotions?

That video is one proc of Chilling Rounds.

Wouldn’t that be 4 procs? One right, one left, 1 right + left ? That’s what it looks like happens. Would the dual shot do 2x the damage?

The video shows both weapons fire Chilling Rounds. It shows 4 numbers. That is 1 shot from each weapon, and 1 DoT tick of each weapon (frostburn damage). That happens sometimes, when both weapons proc at the same time. Of course Chilling Rounds also procs from a single weapon as well, without both firing.

So what you saw was a double Chilling Round. Not 4 shots, just 2 and if you keep firing, you’ll also notice times when it only fires from 1 weapon.

It’s clear that some of the confusion here is that people are not paying attention to Chilling Rounds description. It does Weapon damage% +raw damage and Frostburn damage over 3 seconds. When ever you have a DoT on a skill, you get a 2nd number for the DoT tick at the same time as the instant damage.


When Chilling Rounds procs, you fire

  • Once with your Right Weapon
  • Once with your Left Weapon
  • Once with both weapons

That entire sequence is one proc. What you’re saying is not only not true, it’s also fundamentally impossible given the way the WPS system works.

thanks bystander. ill try to get the single weapon procing too.

Let’s assume both weapons always fire (I don’t believe it does from my testing), it’s still not 4 shots. It’s 2 in that video. Half those numbers are from the Frostburn.

I went and tested this again. I did it with both Chilling Rounds and Bursting Rounds.

Now explain to me the fundamental rules to WPS, as I seem to get 2 different results, depending on whether I’m testing Bursting Rounds and Chilling Rounds. (I didn’t test Storm Spread).

With Chilling rounds, with a single pistol, it does indeed fire twice. With Bursting Round, it fires once.
With 2 pistols, Chilling Rounds fires 3 or 4 times plus frost burn, but bursting round fires twice.

Clearly it’s not a fundamental WPS rule to fire once with both weapons followed by a single weapon, but it does seem to do that with Chilling Rounds.

The skill description explains why you would see a difference.
Bursting Rounds is described as A carefully calibrated round vs Chilling Rounds which is described as A barrage.

Anyone know the answer to this?

I usually get my advanced mechanics info from the JP wiki and there it says it fires left right and then both for a total of 4 shots for Chilling Rounds.
As for WPS, there is no universal rule in firing sequence for all of them, they each are clearly programmed to be used with either one or both weapons and their amount of hits or hand used is set in the skill too.

What was referred to as impossible was probably either that you got 2 different frostburn ticks from the same attack or the “double Chilling Rounds” which implied that one WPS can proc off another (untrue).

In short, every WPS is different and half of the fun is discovering one with bad paper stats actually fires several times and is in fact good.

I only asked as Ceno said it’s fundamentally impossible to fire once per weapon, given how WPS’s work. I guess that it is entirely based on the individual skill, not some WPS rule.