Why does my house not eat 3 differend food?

Why doesnt my people eat 3 different food?
I think i have alot of different food in store, but the houseupgrade still say that i only offer 1 / 3. Check picture below.
Why doesnt the house go and collect a candle or potter? i have them in store

I thinik it shows 2 of 3. Anyway I had similar issue when my house was showing 2 types of food only while it had fish, meat and veggies in it. How’s that not 3 different types of food?

They will collect these eventually, make sure to upgrade your markets, although they are still a bit bugged, they still help.

Because fish = meat. They are both protein, and the game sees them as the same food group. If the game had chicken, it would be lumped into the generic “protein” food group as well.

OP- there is an issue with the way shelters are stocked right now. The grocers are supposed to be stocking shelters with the different foods and luxury goods that the housing type requires. They currently aren’t. which is why you see your grocers wandering-unable to work fairly often when they are done stocking the actual market. They are supposed to be stocking items in houses from the market- they aren’t. The upcoming patch/update is supposed to correct this and have the grocers delivering food and other items from the market to the various shelters.

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Emphasis on type of food. You currently have vegetables (greens, beans and roots) and protein (meat and fish). Add in cheese or fruit (or bread) and things should start ticking over.

Right, while I can agree on chicken, beef whatever other meat, fish shouldn’t really fall into the same group. Same way you could keep veggies and fruits together as plant based. Going further cheese and milk should fall into proteins as well, not getting separate dairy group.

Fish IS protein… just like beef or chicken…
The only difference is that it has a high protein content and low in saturated fat… so it is good PROTEIN.

So fish most certainly does fall into the same category as meat.

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Yup but so are the eggs, milk and cheese :slight_smile:

Yeah… no.
Eggs are protein, but milk and cheese are Dairy.
The game is pretty clear about what the 5 different types of food are.
Open your yearly report. It shows the different food types the game uses.
For specifics on what is included in each one, click the + to expand the category and see the individual foods your village has and uses. It’s a gamified “5 Basic Food Groups” system.

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Thanks all for the answers, now i understand.

I suggest that the game add some colors in the resurses tab, in that way it would be easyer to understand the food categorys. Protien could have red behind them, vegetables could have green and so on.


Yes but why make separate group for dairy? Why are they not proteins? Like you said fish=meat but eggs don’t really fall into that line, if you keep eggs in proteins with meat, why make separate group for cheese and milk? Don’t need the print screen, I know what the game is saying, there is just no consistency in how it is grouped.

I think you may be conflating genres of meat with classes of foods. Think about a grocery store. Meat, dairy, bakery, produce are all separate sections, and track w categories in game (except that produce is broken down into veg and fruit, so in that regard you are still correct that it is not consistent). Meat has sub categories that track w the distinctions you’re making but they aren’t recognized in game (beef, pork, fish, poultry).

Come to think of it, if nuts are categorized as protein there’s very clearly a breakdown in categorization in game…

Yes and I would totally agree if it was “meat”, not proteins. I know there are several categories which overlap - like milk is both dairy and proteins. Why distinguish one and not the other? Not that I have a big problem with it, I kind of accepted it as soon as I saw it for the first time, just love the discussion :slight_smile:

Yeah, while I was writing that I was like, oh yeah, that really doesn’t make sense. Lol. Also hadn’t ever bothered me, hadn’t even thought about it. Now that Ive seen it tho, I can’t unsee it.

The game is basically following the 5 Basic Food Groups, as defined in USDA “My PLate” definition, and other similar tables from around the world.
Seriously- do a quick internet search for “5 Basic Food Groups” and you’ll get reults like these:


These seem to be what the game is following to classify “food types”.

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There it is. And dairy is presumably not included in the protein group here because of it’s inherently different ratio of fat to protein? Always thought eggs were considered dairy too… Well now I’m gonna go look up the category criteria.

Edit, guess it’s just for milk and milk derivatives.

LOL Americans bringing hamburger as a meat type :slight_smile: Can’t unsee it now.

Edit: Putting some correct grouping here, not some whatever it is “MyPlate”

  • 1 Carbohydrates
  • 2 Proteins
  • 3 Dairy products
  • 4 Fruit and vegetables
  • 5 Fats and sugars.

Sugars would be in with Carbohydrates, not fats.

It’s a gamified system, not an “IRL Certified Dietician Simulator” mechanic.
My specialized diet for keeping my Type1 IDDM and food allergies in check would be very different than the “normal” modern diet of people in most parts of the world. No wheat, high in lean protein sources, limited fruits due to high carb content, lots of veggies excluding dried beans and starchy veggies like peas and corn, low fat, skim lactose-free milk products only… in other words I would die quickly eating the diet our villagers eat. But this is a video game- not Real Life.

And “hamburger” is a generic term for “ground beef” in the US- not only a reference to greasy McDonald’s pseudo-burgers.

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Because in US they don’t know what real beef is :slight_smile:

But uh… We have lots of cows?

Apparently American cows are made of pork or something. :woman_shrugging: