Why don´t I take DoT damage?

Hey there,

I´ve got this build.
Physical damage, lots of trauma, lots of reflect reduction.
Though sometimes I manage to take in Trauma Damage of around 600/s. That´s what´s depicted via GI and the game itself, lower right corner.

Thing is: I don´t take damage. My health stays as it is.
I understand, that value is calculated ONLY before health regeneration. Nothing else should be between the DoT and my health bar.
My health regen is around 200/s, I drink no potion, I´m not under the influence of some aura.

So how come?
Is the depicted damage excluding more than just health regen? Dmg reduction as well maybe?
I mean - the dmg that´s displayed should indeed be… the damage I take, after everything except health regen, right?


debuff tooltip/GI is calculated before reflect reduct?

Overguard, yes.
But the absorption + health regen still is less than 600/s.
AND I rly assume that absorptions are already included in the displayed value.

If so, it really shouldn´t. I mean, what´s the point in a dmg display that doesnt show the actual dmg?

overguard would lover flat reduce individual sources of dmg, the displayed tooltip should be the pooled amount, so if there was enough separate sources of trauma to be those 600/s, , like 6x100, overguard would eat that (as i understand flat absorb to work)

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how often in GD is tooltips accurate ? :sweat_smile:

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that could be the reason, maybe…

i’m not sure my understanding of flat absorb/overguard working that way is totally correct, but could at least potentially explain it if so

you could in theory test this rather easily on your next reflect encounter and see if you get the/a similar 600’ish tramua/sec reflect from a single source attack, ex cooldown FW hit (turn off other potential stacking triggers like trauma proc devos etc)
if you get the similar 600’ish/s trauma reflected from that 1 attack, and overguard still eats it/you take 0 dmg, might be something else, like “not super helpful tooltip” or something

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yea, good tip.
Overguard should indeed eat up all sourced individually.

Tested it now with only one source.
Suffered 400/s trauma damage, no health pot, no aura.
Just 114 dmg absorption from overguard and 220 health regen.
So even IF overguard is not included in the displayed, suffered dmg, I still should suffer 400 - 114 - 220 = 66/s.
My health bar is rising though, not decreasing (so it´s not that I couldn`t see that tiny 66/s dmg).

I even had NO dmg reduction present.
This means, that the displayed, taken dmg does NOT display the taken dmg in DoT-reflect-cases.
Most likely the display does NOT include reflect reduction.

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You also have Ascension but was it up?
As far as I know absorb counts individually for each dot source. And it doesn’t have 1sec cooldown so each “tick” have go through whole absorb to do any damage. That’s why flat absorb is so strong against dot damage.

One thing I don’t know is if all dot damage types/sources have same tick rate ?

Tbh, idk. But Ascension is just another 30 absorb here.
All sources have the same rate. Dont know if they´re synchronized though.
Shouldn´t make a difference here anyway.

Physical resist?

of course. But the taken-dmg-display should at LEAST include resistances, right … ?
I mean generally:
What worth is that dmg display, if it DOES NOT display the actual dmg?

It definitely does not display the actual damage. I took 2000 DPS from a dot, had 56% damage absorption and 340 damage absorption and my health bar wouldn’t move down. (DoM masterties and gear)

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