Recently picked this back up after taking a break from it. Last time I played was back when Homestead was the end and level 40 was cap. Wanted to wait till full release.
Anyhoo, wanting to pick up my Witchblade again but have a couple of questions regarding what’s the most effective. Help me out? I essentially want to focus on doing a buttload of Chaos damage (in melee range) while sustaining myself with Blood of Dreeg and Sigil of Consumption.
- Took a value point in Aspect of the Guardian for the 10% attack speed buff on it, it’s gone now so is the value point still valuable?
- Consecrated Blade: I’m using a Voidblade right now, which does 0 physical damage. No physical damage to convert = wasted skillpoints. Am I thinking correct?
- With a higher amount of points available, is it now worth it to max out Solael’s Witchfire?
- Cadence (with value point Fighting Form) or Blade Arc for bread and butter DPS? I’ve been using Cadence so far.
- I’ll most often be teaming up with one or more buddies so I really enjoy Field Command into Squad Tactics having a high level. Good idea or does it drain too many skillpoints?
- Focussing on Chaos damage means Spirit is a relatively valuable stat. Worth going multiple points into Veternacy and Military Conditioning each so I don’t need to pump as much points into Physique for the heavy gear?
- Is Possession worth it?
- For higher difficulties later on (I’m thinking ahead) I assume tank Devotions are more valuable than DPS ones for a melee 1h/shield character?
That ended up being more questions than I anticipated, sorry.
Would appreciate the help, thank you.