witchblade is the only class i can play am i doing something wrong?

My withcblade is op. On normal veteran, I died maybe 3 or 4 times in the entire campaign. Steps of torment I can do at level 30 and can kill the end boss behind the locked door.

Every class can’t do this. All I have to do is give my witchblade a sword and shield and just stack the hell out of vit damage for sigil of consumption, with a back of maxed bloody pox. Doom bolt is great near the end because this build does lack heavy single target damage.

I’m working on a witchhunter right now but it sucks. I’m just a glass cannon. Its worse for my pure arcanist. I have played shaman and conjurer builds.

I generally don’t like dual classes because it feels like my stacks of damage is going all over the place. On my witchhunter, I’m trying to keep it to poison, vit and chaos. On my witchblade all I have to worry about is vit.

I’ve tried pure classes like the arcanist. Not fun.

Do classes get better at endgame?

It sounds like you’ve just been spoiled by the heal provided by sigil of consumption. That skill wrecks normal/veteran difficulty and makes you almost invincible. Other classes need to stack hp and hp regen a lot more than a sigil of consumption build, so you’re probably not accustomed to that.

I prefer single class 2. I like to keep the art “theme” of classes.

For now I trying demolitionist and Jesus! Double guns (the fastest) + Max brimstone
I can click left mouse and just rush without release it till I close the game (just pump mana potion from time to time) no one can come close and if they do? Like boss or something? just grenado them half map back out of their feet.
Never experienced that dmg and “easiness” with pure nightblade that I tried before.

In normal/veteran, every single class is OP if you know what you are doing.
Wait until you hit Ultimate. Then the real game shall begin.
In fact, Witch Hunter does not suck and he is NOT a glass cannon. What you lack are proper gears and experiences with the game. Witch Hunter can probably facetank 99% of the game and at the same time kill everything at least 2 times faster compared to a fully geared Witchblade.
Also, goind dual mastery is exactly the best way to stack 1-2 good sources of damage.

if you’re going to post something like that then post a grimcalc build and some screenshots of your gear and your dps and your health and other stats

As you wish: https://grimcalc.com/build/4AHshN

However, this is for softcore though. Need a different setup if you want to try hardcore or if you absolutely can not stand a positive death count.

Zell490 is 100% right about the WH vs WB superiority ! I know he can’t post proof of a high damage WH that is Hardcore Ultimate viable but I can and pls, take it from me as I have 1.500 hours in this game.

So, I actually took the time and made some videos

  1. Vs Physical damage, aether and bleed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRE57TYn2yU
    Proof of 0 deaths at the end of the video !

  2. Vs Physical damage and bleed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAOBe3YnOhg

  3. Vs Physical damage and fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrtUke2a1dg

  4. Vs Physical damage and acid/poison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HR4_JGVCOg

  5. Vs Physical damage and vitality/chaos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-91UA353y8E

  6. Vs Physical damage, bleed and acid/poison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgZd49YhIKM

  7. Vs Pure aether damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxgh7UyP7XA
    Again, proof of 0 deaths at the end of the video.

Note: I am not even using Badge of Mastery (+5 to SS) in these videos so actual kill speed is 2-3 sec faster.

And now, more proofs:

I am not doing this to promote my build as there is no guide for it. Perhaps I will write one at the end of the week, but I don’t have time. Bottom line: WH >>>> WB.

^ Dreeg himself have spoken.
Btw It’s nice to see an actually kick ass Nightshade’s reach build, such a cool but weird as fuck weapon :eek:

Btw2: How did you only kill 1200 bosses in more than 3 days of gameplay, mine is usually ~3000 in more than 2 days. I died alot more than you though, guess I’m just a reckless bastard then, haha.

I left the game running (paused) for almost two days while being stationary in Homestead.