Xbox Series S still Crashes after

Hi @Zantai ,

I want to say that the Crash after a long Session is not fixed after the new patch is installed.
My Game crashed after roughly 4-5 Hours of playtime.

I think it has something to do with World/Dungeon loading after you teleport with a riftgate or transition from on area to another, because it crashes always in a long Session after the loading screen.

In my 4-5 Hours i played the Normal Campaign from the Blood Grove till to the Final Dungeon in Necropolis and did every Quest and teleport quite often to sell my loot or to store.

After i destroyed the 3 Wagons i entered the Dungeon and it crashed after the loading screen.
After the loading screen it freezes right away for 2 seconds and then crash to homescreen on my Xbox Series S.

Maybe there is a limit how often we can teleport / loading areas ? Is that the trigger ?

I hope i could help and sorry for my bad english.

Bump to the Thread.

No point in bumping; any fix that Crate do will come with the patch whenever that is.

Is bumping really that bad for you people ?

I only want that this issue get noticed, whenever the patch is coming is not so important.

Maybe the issue is not that simple to fix and it comes with who knows.

The important part is that its noticed and the Developer is aware.

Since the devs read everything in this section of the forum I’d say they were aware.

Then i hope this will get fixed sooner or later. :+1:

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