Sam the Good Boy (The dog looks at you expectantly) Who is a good boy?! Wuff, wuff! (in German) [Pet him] Voff, voff! (in Norwegian) Bau, bau! (in Italian) Hau, hau! (in Polish) Wang, wang! (in Chinese) Woof, woof! (in English) Gav, gav! (in Russian) Meong, meong! (in Korean) Hav, hav! (in Turkish) Waf, waf! (in Dutch) Waouh, waouh! (in French) Wan-wan! (in Japanese) Vau, vau! (in Hungarian) Haf, haf! (in Czech) (The dog is granting you his blessing) GRANT SPHERES (HIDDEN) [Accept the Blessing of Doggo] ^cPahr Gon Levels You receive ^c1 Pahr Gon Level ^wfor each Character Level above 100.{^n}{^n}You can exchange one for either ...{^n}{^n} ^r2 Skill Points{^n} ^r3 Attribute Points{^n} ^f1 Beutekugel (Divine) ^rNo Pahr Gon Level available ^yPahr Gon Level available You can only choose one.{^n}{^n}^oThis is a permanent choice. > ^r2 Skill Points > ^r3 Attribute Points > ^f1 Beutekugel (Divine) [Back] [Back] ^oInformation (The dog is granting you some information) ^rDifficulty Merits These merits are normally rewarded upon completing the game.{^n}{^n}You have the choice to take them now to skip ^gNormal ^wor ^oElite^w. [Take the Difficulty Merits] [Back] ^bPets (Cosmetic) ^oYou can only get one pet per difficulty.^w Aether Crystal Purified Crystal Celestial Maggot Korvan Minivore Hungerling [Back] ^yBlessing of Doggo The ^yBlessing of Doggo ^wgrants the following bonuses:{^n}{^n} ^o20%/20%/10%/5%/0% more Damage{^n} ^s20%/15%/12%/10%/5% more Run Speed{^n} ^c50%/45%/30%/15%/15% more Experience Points{^n} ^wPets receive the same bonuses{^n}{^n}^wEvery 20 Character Levels the blessing loses some of its power. [Back] ^kBeutekugeln ^kPop a sphere by destroying it.^w{^n}{^n}^rNever destroy one next to your stash.^w{^n}{^n}You can separate a stack to only pop an individual amount at once. You can also share spheres with other characters through your stash. [Back] ^gScrolls ^w& ^sPotions ^gExperience Scrolls ^wand ^sIron Potions ^whave a low chance to replace a component drop.{^n}{^n}^gExperience Scrolls ^wgrant the following bonuses:{^n}{^n} ^c25%/75%/200% more Experience Points{^n} ^o30 minutes/20 minutes/10 minutes long active{^n}{^n}^sIron Potions ^wgrant either ^s15 000 ^wor ^s50 000 Iron Bits^w. [Back] [...] There is also a very low chance for ^rAttribute ^wand ^rSkill Potions ^wto drop. [Back] ^cMaximum Level ^w& ^cPahr Gon Levels The maximum level is increased to 200. Enemies scale with you.{^n}{^n}You do not gain any additional ^rSkill Points ^wfor levels above 100, although you still gain ^r1 Attribute Point ^wfor each one. [...] Instead you gain so called ^cPahr Gon Levels^w. 1 for each Character Level above 100.{^n}{^n}You can exchange a level for either ...{^n}{^n} ^r2 Skill Points{^n} ^r3 Attribute Points{^n} ^f1 Beutekugel (Divine){^n}{^n}^wThe choice you make is permanent. The dialog option only appears on ^rUltimate^w. [Back] [Back] [Leave]