tagTitleScreenText=Grim Dawn{^n}©2020 Crate Entertainment, LLC{^n}{^n}Please visit us at www.grimdawn.com to participate{^n}in the ongoing development of Grim Dawn! tagDemoScreenText=Thanks for playing!{^n}{^n}Grim Dawn is currently available on Steam, or via our website at www.grimdawn.com tagMenu01=Play Game tagMenu02=Custom Game tagMenu03=Information tagMenu04=Options tagMenu05=Credits tagMenu06=Game Guide tagMenu07=Exit tagMenu08=Crucible DLC tagMenu09=Ashes of Malmouth tagMenu10=Forgotten Gods tagMenuButton01=Create Character tagMenuButton02=Import tagMenuButton03=Delete Character tagMenuButton04=Back tagMenuButton05=Start tagMenuButton06=Cancel tagMenuButton07=Apply tagMenuButton08=Default tagMenuButton09=Ok tagMenuButton10=Create tagMenuButton11=Download tagMenuChar={%d0} ~ {%d1} tagCharLevelClass=Level {%d0} {%t1} # Temporary popup message for alpha multiplayer build warning tagMenuMPWarning=Welcome to Multiplayer Testing! Warning: during the test phase, you will encounter bugs, crashes and performance issues. Please post problems to the Grim Dawn forum. # # Play Menu # tagMenuGame01=Single Player tagMenuGame02=Join Multiplayer tagMenuGame03=Host Multiplayer tagMenuMultiplayer=Multiplayer tagMenuGame04=Internet tagMenuGame05=LAN tagMenuGame06=Game Name tagMenuGame07=Password tagMenuGame08=Max. Players tagMenuGame09=Level Range tagMenuGame10=- tagMenuGame11=Map tagMenuGame12=Difficulty tagMenuGame13=Enable Player vs. Player Combat tagMenuGame14=Leaderboard tagDifficultyUnlock01=You have unlocked the Veteran level of difficulty. tagDifficultyUnlock02=You have unlocked the Elite level of difficulty. tagMenuCreate01=Create Character tagMenuCreate02=Name tagMenuCreate03=Male tagMenuCreate04=Female tagMenuCreate05=Enter a name for your character. tagTunicColor=Outfit Color tagMenuImport01=Import Campaign Character {%s} tagMenuImport02=Select a Character tagMenuImport03=Name tagMenuImport04=Class tagMenuImport05=Level tagMenuImport06=Rename Character: tagLeaderboardHeader01=Character tagLeaderboardHeader02=Score tagMapSelectDesc=Choose your Crucible map. tagRDifficultyTitle01=Normal tagRDifficultyTitle01Desc=The standard level of difficulty. tagRDifficultyTitle02=Elite tagRDifficultyTitle02Desc=Elite provides a higher level of challenge for characters that have completed Normal / Veteran. tagRDifficultyTitle03=Ultimate tagRDifficultyTitle03Desc=Ultimate is the greatest test of your abilities and character build; available after completing Elite. tagChallengeDifficulty=Veteran tagChallengeDifficultyDesc=Veteran significantly increases the challenge of Normal Difficulty for experienced ARPG players and provides a 10% Experience Gain Bonus. Not for the faint of heart!^nVeteran mode can be toggled on/off in the main menu at any time. tagChallengeDifficultyDescNA=Veteran Difficulty is not available for this game mode. tagHardcore=Hardcore tagHardcoreDesc=Death is permanent! tagRDifficultyDesc01=Complete this difficulty mode to unlock harder difficulty modes. tagRDifficultyDesc02=The game must be completed in Normal difficulty to play Veteran difficulty. tagRDifficultyDesc03=The game must be completed in Veteran difficulty to play Elite difficulty. tagDifficultyTitleSet=Choose Difficulty: tagDifficultyTitleShow=Difficulties Available to Join: tagDifficultyNormal=Normal Difficulty tagDifficultyNormalVeteran=Veteran Difficulty tagDifficultyElite=Elite Difficulty tagDifficultyUltimate=Ultimate Difficulty tagDifficultyJoinNormal=Normal Difficulty Only tagDifficultyJoinElite=Up to Elite Difficulty tagDifficultyJoinUltimate=Up to Ultimate Difficulty tagDifficultyJoinAny=Any Difficulty tagSDifficultyTitle01=Aspirant tagSDifficultyTitle01Desc=The standard level of difficulty for the Crucible. tagSDifficultyTitle02=Challenger tagSDifficultyTitle02Desc=Experienced combatants may enter the Challenger Crucible for a greater difficulty, but also more treasure. tagSDifficultyTitle03=Gladiator tagSDifficultyTitle03Desc=Only the most battle-hardened combatants will endure the trials of the Gladiator Crucible for even greater wealth. tagGameSDifficultySetting01=Aspirant Difficulty tagGameSDifficultySetting02=Challenger Difficulty tagGameSDifficultySetting03=Gladiator Difficulty tagSDifficultyButton01=Aspirant Difficulty tagSDifficultyButton02=Challenger Difficulty tagSDifficultyButton03=Gladiator Difficulty tagPlayOptionsAccept=Accept tagPlayOptionsCancel=Cancel tagPlayGameModeCampaign=Main Campaign tagPlayGameModeCustom=Custom Game tagPlayGameModeSurvival=Crucible tagGameStateInit=Initializing... tagGameStateLoading=Loading... tagGameStateStarting=Starting Game... tagGameStateConnecting=Connecting to Server... tagGameStateData=Waiting for Server... tagGogMustBeSignedIn=You must be logged into GOG Galaxy to play Grim Dawn in Multiplayer mode. Please login to GOG Galaxy and launch Grim Dawn from the GOG launcher! tagEosMustBeSignedIn=You must be logged into the Epic Games Launcher to play Grim Dawn in Multiplayer mode. Please launch Grim Dawn from the Epic Games Launcher! tagSteamCloudLimit=You have reached the file limit on Steam's Cloud Storage for Grim Dawn, you must delete a character before you can create another. # # Options # tagGameplayTitle=Gameplay tagGameplayOption01= tagGameplayOption02=Enable Quicksell (Right Mouse) tagGameplayOption03=Auto Item Tooltips tagGameplayOption04=Display Damage tagGameplayOption05=Enable Optional Roll-Overs tagGameplayOption06=Show Target Level tagGameplayOption07=Cloud Saving tagGameplayOption08= tagGameplayOption09=Language tagGameplayOption10=Network Adapter tagGameplayOption11=Lock Item Pickup tagGameplayOption12=Always Show Loot tagGameplayOption13=Crit Shake tagGameplayOption14=Target Outline tagGameplayOption15=Lock Map Rotation tagGameplayOption16=Gore tagGameplayOption17=Blood tagGameplayOption18=Tutorial Tips tagGameplayOption19=Corpse Persistence tagGameplayOption20=Classic Targeting tagGameplayOption21=Report Anonymous Statistics tagGameplayOption22=Show Crit Multipliers tagGameplayOption23=Background FPS tagGameplayOption24=Enable Gamepad tagGameplayOption24S=Enable Non-Steam Gamepad tagGameplayOption25=Camera Shake tagGameplayOption26=Configure Steam Controller tagGameplayOption27="Move To" Breaks Objects tagGameplayOption28=Loot Filter tagGameplayOption29=Classic Casting tagGameplayOption30=Error Messages tagGameplayOption31=Gamepad Target Lock tagGameplayOption32=Auto Loot Materials tagGameplayDesc01= tagGameplayDesc02=Enable right click to sell when using the market window. tagGameplayDesc03=Enable item pop-ups when mousing over equipment in the world. tagGameplayDesc04=Display damage numbers when you hit enemies. tagGameplayDesc05=Enable roll-over descriptions for in-game UI elements. tagGameplayDesc06=Show target levels along with health when targeting. tagGameplayDesc07=Enable storage of character save data in the Steam cloud. tagGameplayDesc08= tagGameplayDesc09=Change the game language. tagGameplayDesc10=Network adapter to use for hosting/joining multiplayer games. tagGameplayDesc11=Prevent pickup of loot that doesn't meet your loot filtering level. tagGameplayDesc14=Display a glowing outline around your current target. tagGameplayDesc15=Force the map to always point north when the camera is rotated. tagGameplayDesc16=Enable gibbing when overkilling enemies. tagGameplayDesc18=Display in game help pop-ups while playing. tagGameplayDesc19=Set how long dead enemies remain in the world. tagGameplayDesc20=Check to enable classic ARPG targeting with target-lock.{^n}Uncheck to use our new targeting scheme without hard target-lock. tagGameplayDesc21=Help us improve Grim Dawn by reporting play statistics after each session. tagGameplayDesc22=Display critical hit multipliers when you crit enemies. tagGameplayDesc23=Set maximum FPS when the game window is inactive. tagGameplayDesc24=Enable XInput compatible gamepads. tagGameplayDesc24S=Enable XInput compatible gamepads when not using Steam gamepad support. tagGameplayDesc25=Enable camera shake for critical hits and other effects. tagGameplayDesc26=Configure an attached Steam Controller.{^n}Requires big picture mode. tagGameplayDesc27=If enabled the "Move To" skill can be used to break destructible objects. tagGameplayDesc28=Adjusts the type of loot that is automatically shown. tagGameplayDesc29=Check to enable Grim Dawn's classic Spell Casting System that forces character movement when out of range.{^n}Uncheck to use our new Spell Casting System for more responsive spell behavior.{^n}(This option is only active when using a Mouse+Keyboard) tagGameplayDesc30=Enable pop up text error messages such as when a skill is on cooldown. tagGameplayDesc31=When using a Gamepad, check to have movement skills (ex. the Oathkeeper's Vire's Might) move towards your current target.{^n}Uncheck to have movement skills ignore your current target and move their max distance instead. tagGameplayDesc32=Check to automatically collect Components, Consumables and Crafting Materials when you step near them. tagDownloadLanguages=Download Language tagDownloadConnecting=Please Wait... tagLanguageSuccess=Download complete, please restart the game to enable the new language. tagLanguageFailed=Unable to download the selected language pack. tagMoreLanguages=More Languages... tagAlwaysShowLootOff=Off tagAlwaysShowLootCommon=Common+ tagAlwaysShowLootMagic=Magic+ tagAlwaysShowLootRare=Rare+ tagAlwaysShowLootEpic=Epic+ tagAlwaysShowLootLegendary=Legendary+ tagNone=None tagRed=Red tagGreen=Green tagBlue=Blue tagLanguage01=English (US) tagLanguage02=English (GB) tagLanguage03=Español tagLanguage04=Français tagLanguage05=Deutsch tagLanguage06=Italiano tagHUDTitle=Interface tagHUDOption01=Display Group Health Bars tagHUDOption02=Display Player/Pet Health Values tagHUDOption03=Display Monster Health Bars tagHUDOption04=Display Monster Health Values tagHUDOption05=Display Monster Icons tagHUDOption06=Display Player Health Bar tagHUDOption07=Display Pet Health Bars tagHUDOption08=Always Show Monster Health Bars tagHUDOption09=Disable Auto-Sort Confirmation tagHUDDesc01=Check to display Health Bars over other players. (Multiplayer only) tagHUDDesc02=Check to display Health Values over players (and player pets, if enabled). tagHUDDesc03=Check to display Health Bars over injured monsters. tagHUDDesc04=Check to display Health Values over injured monsters. tagHUDDesc05=Check to display Indicator Icons over powerful foes such as Heroes, Bosses and Nemesis Bosses. tagHUDDesc06=Check to display a Health Bar over your own character. tagHUDDesc07=Check to display Health Bars over player pets. tagHUDDesc08=Check to always display Health Bars over monsters, regardless of their injured status. tagHUDDesc09=Toggle Confirmation Prompt for Auto-Sort in the Inventory and Stash. If enabled, Auto-Sort will not require a confirmation. tagKeybindingTitle01=Keybinding tagKeybindingTitle02=Function tagKeybindingTitle03=Primary tagKeybindingTitle04=Secondary tagKeybindingButton01=Clear tagKeybindingMessage01=Press the key to bind to {%t0} tagKeybind01=Character Window tagKeybind02=Skill Window tagKeybind03=Codex Window tagKeybind04=Map Window tagKeybind05=Chat Window tagKeybind06=Group Window tagKeybind07=Game Menu tagKeybind08=Quickbar Slot 01 tagKeybind09=Quickbar Slot 02 tagKeybind10=Quickbar Slot 03 tagKeybind11=Quickbar Slot 04 tagKeybind12=Quickbar Slot 05 tagKeybind13=Quickbar Slot 06 tagKeybind14=Quickbar Slot 07 tagKeybind15=Quickbar Slot 08 tagKeybind16=Quickbar Slot 09 tagKeybind17=Quickbar Slot 10 tagKeybind18=Drink Health Potion tagKeybind19=Drink Energy Potion tagKeybind20=Camera Zoom In tagKeybind21=Camera Zoom Out tagKeybind22=Camera Max Zoom In tagKeybind23=Camera Max Zoom Out tagKeybind26=Drop Item tagKeybind27=Show Items (No Filter) tagKeybind28=Show Item Tooltips tagKeybind29=Show Items (Filter Common) tagKeybind30=Center Map (Map Window) tagKeybind31=Personal Riftgate tagKeybind32=Help Window tagKeybind33=Switch Weapons tagKeybind34=Camera Default View tagKeybind35=Target Pet (Hold Key and Click) tagKeybind36=Stationary Attack (Hold Key and Click) tagKeybind37=Pause Game (Single Player Only) tagKeybind38=Toggle Pet Display tagKeybind39=Toggle Party Display tagKeybind40=Quickbar Switch tagKeybind41=Chat Command : Party tagKeybind42=Chat Command : Tell tagKeybind43=Chat Command : Reply tagKeybind44=Camera Rotate Left tagKeybind45=Camera Rotate Right tagKeybind46=Camera Rotate tagKeybind47=Factions Window tagKeybind48=Achievements Window tagKeybind49=Loot Filter Window tagKeybind50=Toggle Hide All Items (Loot Filter) tagKeybindTitle01=General Keybindings tagKeybindTitle02=Chat Keybindings tagAudioTitle=Audio tagAudioOption01=Master Volume tagAudioOption02=Music Volume tagAudioOption03=Sound FX Volume tagAudioOption04=Ambient FX Volume tagAudioOption05=Dialog Volume tagAudioOption06=Speaker Setup tagAudioOption07=Output Device tagAudioOption08=Error Voice Messages tagAudioOption09=Input Device tagAudioOption10=Test Microphone tagAudioOption11=Voice Chat tagAudioOption12=Voice Volume tagAudioOption13=Push To Talk tagAudioDesc01=Sets the master volume level. tagAudioDesc02=Sets the volume of music. tagAudioDesc03=Sets the volume of sound effects. tagAudioDesc04=Sets the volume of ambient (world) effects. tagAudioDesc05=Sets the volume of player and npc dialog. tagAudioDesc06=Sets the speaker setup used for sound. tagAudioDesc07=Sets the audio device used for sound. tagAudioDesc08=Enable voiced error messages such as when the character cannot carry any more or a skill is on cooldown. tagAudioDesc12=Sets the volume of voice chat from other players. tagHeadphoneSpeakers=Headphones tagStereoSpeakers=Stereo tagQuadraphonicSpeakers=Quadraphonic tagSurroundSpeakers=Surround tag51Speakers=5.1 Surround tag71Speakers=7.1 Surround tagVideoTitle=Video tagVideoResolution01=800 x 600 tagVideoResolution02=1024 x 768 tagVideoResolution03=1280 x 1024 tagVideoLevel01=High tagVideoLevel02=Medium tagVideoLevel03=Low tagVideoLevel04=Very High tagVideoLevel05=Disabled tagVideoLevel06=Ultra tagVideoOption01=Screen Resolution tagVideoOption02=Textures tagVideoOption03=Shadows tagVideoOption04=Reflections tagVideoOption05=Depth of Field tagVideoOption06=Soft Particles tagVideoOption07=Triple Buffering tagVideoOption08=Post Processing tagVideoOption09=Detail Objects tagVideoOption10=Fullscreen Gamma tagVideoOption11=Vertical Sync tagVideoOption12=Color Blindness tagVideoOption13=Anti-aliasing tagVideoOption14=Alpha To Coverage tagVideoOption15=Ambient Occlusion tagVideoOption23=UI Scale tagVideoOption24=Shaders tagVideoOption25=Anisotropic Filtering tagVideoOption26=Weather tagVideoOption27=Particles tagVideoOption28=Lighting tagVideoOption29=Window Mode tagVideoOption30=Render Device tagVideoOption31=Deferred Rendering tagVideoDesc01=Rendering resolution. tagVideoDesc02=Texture quality. tagVideoDesc03=Adjusts the number of shadow-casting lights, and the quality of shadows. tagVideoDesc04=Adjusts the quality of water effects and other reflective surfaces. tagVideoDesc05=Simulate a focus effect by blurring objects based on distance. tagVideoDesc06=Enhance the quality of particle effects near world surfaces. tagVideoDesc07=Enables pre-rendering of frames. tagVideoDesc08=Enable post-processing to improve contrast and color. tagVideoDesc09=Render surface decals for blood and other effects. tagVideoDesc10=Adjust gamma level (fullscreen mode only). tagVideoDesc11=Limit FPS to the refresh rate of your display. tagVideoDesc12=Enable or disable rendering for color blind users. tagVideoDesc13=Anti-aliasing level. Softens model edges when rendering. tagVideoDesc14=Render high quality grass and foliage. tagVideoDesc15=Enable advanced ambient lighting. tagVideoDesc23=Adjusts the size of the in game interface for larger or smaller screens. tagVideoDesc24=Adjusts the overall rendering quality. tagVideoDesc25=Anisotropic Filtering level. Enhances the quality of textures. tagVideoDesc26=Adjusts the intensity of weather effects. tagVideoDesc27=Adjusts the density of particle effects. tagVideoDesc28=Adjusts the quality of lighting effects. tagVideoDesc29=Rendering mode (windowed/fullscreen/borderless). tagVideoDesc30=GPU/display to use for rendering. tagVideoDesc31=Enable improved renderer which increases rendering speed at the cost of using additional graphics memory. tagFullscreen=Fullscreen tagFullscreenWindowed=Windowed (Borderless) tagWindowed=Windowed tagWidescreen= (W) tagNetworkTitle=Network tagUpnpProbing=Checking for UPnP devices... tagUpnpTitle=UPnP: tagUpnpStatus=UPnP Status: tagUpnpAvailable=Available tagUpnpNotAvailable=Not Available tagUpnpHelp=Help tagUpnpControl=Enable UPnP tagUpnpDesc=Automatically configure port forwarding on your router when hosting multiplayer games. tagNetworkStatusTitle=Network Status: tagNetworkStatusTest=Test tagNetworkNoOpts=Network Options are unavailable in game.{^n}Please exit to the Main Menu and open the Options Menu. tagResetCloud=Delete Cloud Saves tagDownloadCloud=Download Cloud Saves tagUPnPCheckFail=UPnP Services are not available to configure your router to host a Grim Dawn Server. Please check your router settings and enable UPnP, or, if that is not possible, manually configure your router to open port 27016 for both the UDP and TCP protocols. tagUPnPNotAvailableHelp=UPnP is not available. Grim Dawn will not be able to auto-configure your router to Host an Internet server. Please check your router settings and enable UPnP or manually configure your router to open port 27016 for both the UDP and TCP protocols. tagUPnPEnabledHelp=UPnP is enabled. No manual configuration is needed. tagUPnPDisabledHelp=UPnP is disabled. Port 27016 must be opened on your router for both the UDP and TCP protocols to host a Grim Dawn server. tagUPnPHelp=UPnP is a protocol that allows Grim Dawn to Communicate with and control your router. To host an Internet server, ports must be opened on your router. UPnP allows Grim Dawn to open those ports, and close them on exit, with no manual configuration required. tagIPCheckHelp=The network configuration test checks that the local router has a valid external IP address, and that the address matches the external address visible to the internet. tagIPCheckFail=The public IP address reported by your router does not match the public IP address externally visible to the Internet. Usually, this is caused by attempting to host a Grim Dawn Server from behind more than one router. Please check your router configuration and restart Grim Dawn. tagIPCheckFailMaybe=The public IP address reported by your router (%t0) is not a valid IP address. It is possible that your router is functioning properly and did not report the public IP correctly. However, if you are unable to host a Grim Dawn server, please check your router configuration. In particular, you should check to make sure that the Grim Dawn server is not behind more than one router. Some Internet providers use bundled modem/router devices. If there is another router between the Grim Dawn server and the bundled device you will not be able to host an internet server. tagIPCheckPass=Network configuration test passed. The public IP address reported by your router matches that which is externally visible on the internet. tagIPCheckUnable=Unable to test network configuration. This check requires that the local router has the UPnP protocol enabled, and that UPnP support is enabled in Grim Dawn. If it is not enabled, please enable it, restart Grim Dawn, and re-run this test. tagIPCheckUnableIP=Unable to obtain the externally visible IP address. The test cannot be run at this time. tagIPTesting=Testing Configuration... tagIPLocalPublic=Public IP reported by your router: tagIPExternalPublic=Public IP visible to the Internet: tagIPInvalid= tagMultiplayer01=Game Name tagMultiplayer02=Difficulty tagMultiplayer03=Type tagMultiplayer04=Players tagMultiplayer05=Ping tagMultiplayer06=Summary tagMultiplayer07=Game Name tagMultiplayer09=Map Unavailable tagMultiplayer10=Hide Full Games tagMultiplayer11=Hide Locked Games tagMultiplayer12={%d0} / {%d1} tagMultiplayer13={%d0} hr {%d1} min {%d2} sec tagMultiplayer14=Locked tagMultiplayer15=Version tagMultiplayer16=Instanced Loot tagMultiplayer17=Hardcore tagMultiplayer18=Auto Party tagMultiplayer19=PvP tagMultiplayer20=Level tagMultiplayer21=Hide In Progress Games tagMultiStats01=Map : tagMultiStats02=Players : {%d0} / {%d1} tagMultiStats03=Difficulty : tagMultiStats04=Elapsed Time : tagMultiStats05=Level Range +/- tagMultiButtonRefresh=Refresh tagMultiNameFormat={%t0} (Level {%d0}) tagBaseGame=Grim Dawn tagGDX1Game=Ashes of Malmouth tagGDX2Game=Forgotten Gods tagSurvivalGDX1=Crucible - Ashes of Malmouth tagSurvivalGDX2=Crucible - Forgotten Gods tagDefaultMap=Main Campaign tagSurvivalMap=Crucible tagSurvivalMapInProgress=Crucible - In Progress tagSurvivalArena_01=Crucible of the Dead tagSurvivalArena_02=Crucible of the Deeps tagSurvivalArena_03=Crucible of the Sands tagSurvivalArena_04=Crucible of the Grove tagSurvivalArena_05=Crucible of the Void tagSurvivalArena_06=Crucible of the Legion tagSurvivalArena_07=Crucible of the Bog tagSurvivalArena_08=Crucible of the Woods tagSurvivalArena_09=Crucible of the Stars tagSurvivalArena_10=Crucible of the Crags tagSurvivalArenaRandom=Random tagSurvivalDifficultyUnlock01=Challenger's Merit tagSurvivalDifficultyUnlock01_Desc=Proof of conquering the Crucible and achieving the status of Challenger. ^oCan be placed in the Transfer Stash to use on other characters. tagSurvivalDifficultyUnlock02=Gladiator's Merit tagSurvivalDifficultyUnlock02_Desc=Proof of conquering the Crucible and achieving the status of Gladiator. ^oCan be placed in the Transfer Stash to use on other characters. tagMenuErrorTitle=Information tagMenuError07=Please select a name for your character. tagMenuError08=Unable to connect to server. tagMenuError09=Please select a server. tagMenuError11=Internet service unavailable. tagMenuError12=Internet service temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. tagMenuError13=Error connecting to internet service. tagMenuError14=Network problems detected. tagMenuError15=Lost connection to server. tagMenuError16=You have been banned from this server. tagMenuError17=A password is required to join this game. tagMenuError18=Unable to connect. The game you are trying to join is full. tagMenuError19=Unable to connect. You have not unlocked that difficulty level with this character. tagMenuError20=Invalid Password. tagMenuError21=This game requires custom map: {%t0} tagMenuError21a=This game is using an incompatible game mode. Your mode: "{%s0}", Server's mode: "{%s1}" tagMenuError21b=Hardcore and non-hardcore players cannot play together. Please select another game. tagMenuError22=This game is full. Please select another. tagMenuError23=This game requires characters to be between level {%d0} ~ {%d1}. Please select another game. tagMenuError24=Some of your changes will not take effect until you restart the game. tagMenuError25=You have made some changes to options in the game. Do you wish to apply those changes? tagMenuError26=Unable to Connect to Server - Invalid CD Key tagMenuError28=Invalid CD Key tagMenuError29=CD Key Already in Use tagMenuError30=CD Key Has Been Disabled tagMenuError31=Building server list. Cancel to view partial server list. tagMenuError32=You do not have the correct game version to connect to this server. tagMenuError33=Couldn't initialize graphics engine. tagMenuError34=You do not have the correct database version to connect to this server. tagMenuError35=Are you sure you wish to save and exit your game? tagMenuError36=Are you sure you wish to exit Grim Dawn? tagMenuError37=A copy of Grim Dawn is already running. tagMenuError38=A character with that name already exists. tagMenuError39=Error downloading update file. tagMenuError40=Invalid player file. tagMenuError41=Please insert the original Grim Dawn disc. tagMenuError42=Steam authentication failed. tagMenuError43=The Crucible is currently in progress and cannot be interrupted. The session can be joined once combat is over. tagMenuError44=An expansion character with that name already exists. tagMenuError45=The selected character is not within the level range required by this server. tagConnectAborted=Connect Aborted. tagMenuWarning01=Warning: This will create a copy of your character {%s}. This copied character can only be used in Custom Games. tagMenuWarning02=Would you like to rename this Custom Only Character? tagMenuWarning03=Leave blank and press "OK" to keep {%s} as the new characters name. tagMenuUpdate01=No updates available at this time. tagMenuUpdate02=Downloading Update tagMenuDelete01=Are you sure you want to permanently delete this character? Type "DELETE" to confirm: tagMenuDeleteConfirm=DELETE tagDeveloperTitle=Developer tagDeveloperOption01=Video Sync to Refresh tagDeveloperOption02=Full Screen tagDeveloperOption03=Show Tag Errors tagDeveloperOption04=Use Archives tagDeveloperOption05=Send Debug Mail tagDeveloperOption06=Show Assert Messages tagDeveloperOption07=Auto-Close Archives tagDeveloperOption08=Load Database from Archive tagDeveloperOption09=Show Intro Movies tagDeveloperOption10=Force Single Processor Mode tagDeveloperOption11=Max Resource Threads tagNamePlate01=Grim Dawn Game Setup tagNamePlate02=Custom Game Setup tagNamePlate03=Options Menu tagNamePlate04=Credits tagNamePlate05=LAN tagNamePlate06=Internet tagPreviewError=This feature is disabled. tagLoading=Loading tagFrenchPatch=Grim Dawn will now update the original Grim Dawn dialog files to the French version. tagGermanPatch=Grim Dawn will now update the original Grim Dawn dialog files to the German version. tagLanguagePatchError=Grim Dawn was unable to update the original Grim Dawn dialog files. tagMenuPatcher01=Updating original Grim Dawn files … tagMenuPatcher02=Error with file : tagGameSummary={%d0} Games / {%d1} Players tagCharCreatePVP=PVP tagCharCreateAutoParty=Auto-Party tagCharCreatePVPwarning=You have just enabled PVP (Player Versus Player) mode. In this mode, you can attack other players, and they can attack you. Note: A game can be either PVP or Auto-Party, but not both. tagCharCreateNeverShow=Never show this warning again. tagCharImportProgress=Importing character(s) from Grim Dawn. This could take several minutes. tagCharImportTQCampaign=Grim Dawn Campaign Characters tagCharImportTQCustom=Grim Dawn Custom Characters tagCharImportTQXCampaign=Grim Dawn Campaign Characters tagCharImportTitle=Import Character tagInstancedLoot=Instanced Loot tagLobbyLock=Password Locked tagLobbyDifficulty=Difficulty tagLobbyAutoparty=Auto-Party Enabled tagLobbyInstancedLoot=Instanced Loot tagLobbyLanguage=Language tagLobbyPVP=PVP Enabled tagLobbyHardcore=Hardcore Enabled tagLobbyNormalDifficulty=Normal Difficulty tagLobbyEliteDifficulty=Elite Difficulty tagLobbyUltimateDifficulty=Ultimate Difficulty tagLobbyChallenge=Veteran Difficulty tagLobbyAnyDifficulty=Any Difficulty tagLobbyPlayers=Players in Game/Max Players tagLobbySearchTitle=Advanced Search tagLobbySearchPingBelow=Ping Below tagLobbySearchMaxPlayers=Max Players tagLobbySearchShow=Show tagLobbySearchHide=Hide tagLobbySearchFull=Full tagLobbySearchLocked=Locked tagLobbySearchPVP=PVP tagLobbySearchAutoParty=Auto-Party tagLobbySearchLanguage=Language: tagLobbySearchSearch=Search tagLobbySearchCancel=Cancel tagLobbyDirect=Direct tagLobbyDirectTitle=Set Direct Connect Server Address tagLobbyDirectIP=IP: tagLobbyDirectPort=Port: tagLobbyDirectSave=Save tagLobbyDirectCancel=Cancel tagLobbyPlayersTitle=Players: tagLobbyServerTypeTitle=Server Type tagLobbyServerTypeAll=All Servers tagLobbyServerTypeFriends=Friends Servers tagLobbyServerTypeRecent=Recent Servers tagLobbySearchMapCampaign=Grim Dawn tagLobbySearchMapCustom=Custom Games tagLobbySearchMapSurvival=Crucible tagLobbyLootAny=Any Loot tagLobbyLootFFA=Free Loot tagLobbyLootInstanced=Instanced Loot tagLobbyPvpAny=PVP On/Off tagLobbyPvpOff=No PvP tagLobbyPvpOn=PvP tagLobbyPartyAny=Auto Party On/Off tagLobbyPartyOff=Auto Party Off tagLobbyPartyOn=Auto Party On tagLobbyHardcoreAny=Hardcore/Softcore tagLobbyHardcoreOff=Softcore tagLobbyHardcoreOn=Hardcore tagCharDetailsPlayerLevel=Level: tagCharDetailsItemLevel=Item Level: tagCharDetailsPlayerLocation=Location: tagCharDetailsFaction=Faction Status: tagCharDetailsActiveQuests=Active Quests: tagDirectConnectMenuConnecting=Connecting to Server {%t0} tagDirectConnectMenuStatus1=Contacting Server... tagDirectConnectMenuStatus2=Connecting to Server... tagDirectConnectMenuStatus3=Connection complete, launching game. tagFriendOffline=Offline tagFriendOnline=Online tagFriendBusy=Busy tagFriendAway=Away tagFriendUnknown=Status Unknown tagFriendPlayingGrimDawnSP=In Game (Single Player) tagFriendPlayingGrimDawnMP=In Game (Multiplayer) tagFriendAddButton=Add Friend tagFriendJoinGameButton=Join Game tagOptionOff=Off tagLobbyLocation=Location: tagTQ1ModInvalid=This map was created with an older version of Grim Dawn. tagBrightness=Brightness tagContrast=Contrast tagNormal=Normal tagProtanopia=Protanopia tagDeuteranopia=Deuteranopia tagTritanopia=Tritanopia tagOverwriteKeymap=The function ^y{%t0}^w has already been mapped to ^y{%t1}^w. Do you wish to overwrite? tagHardDiskError=Your computer is currently low on hard drive space. Grim Dawn may have difficulty saving your game. To avoid this problem, please create more room on your hardrive. tagMenuError10=Unable to connect to server. The mod or map version does not match the host. tagReportUsageStats=Help us improve Grim Dawn by periodically reporting anonymous system and gameplay stats? tagImportToSteamCloud=Steam Cloud Saving is enabled. Import existing characters? tagResetCloudWarning=Are you sure you want to delete all characters and data stored in the cloud? tagDownloadCloudWarning=Are you sure you want to download cloud saves? Locally saved characters and data will be overwritten! tagWorking=Working... # Onscreen Keyboard tagOnscreenKeyboardBackspace=Delete tagOnscreenKeyboardCaps=Caps tagOnscreenKeyboardReturn=Enter tagOnscreenKeyboardSpace=Space